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That night, all the residents of Block #666 were attending the lift debunking gathering. 

"Good evening, Residents of Block #666. Thank you so much for coming down." Bugs thanked the residents.

"The reason why you are all gathered here is because we have finally managed to debunk the myth of this "Haunted Lift." Bugs explained. 

He pressed the lift button much to the confusion of the guests. 

"Pay attention to the CCTV." Bugs told the residents and their attention turned to the monitor.

The footage shown was that of Petunia and Elmer the night before, Elmer hiding behind Petunia. 

"What's going on?" Giovanni asked. "What kind of trick is this?" Nancy questioned also. 

"This is not a trick." Lola corrected Nancy. "Every night at 10 pm and 11 pm, this CCTV system experiences a glitch that delays it for twenty-four (24) hours." Lola explained.

"What you see on the screen, happened last night. At the exact same time. On that screen, You are witnessing a very brave man hiding behind a girl." Bugs said to the crowd. 

They laughed much to Elmer's embarrassment. He wore the shades he wore the previous night to avoid their gaze. 

"Ignorance is bliss." Elmer added avoiding the attention of the crowd that was in front of him. 

"In conclusion, there really is no haunted lift" Bugs concluded the speech."But I promise this CCTV will be repaired as soon as possible." Bugs promised the residents. Then he added, "In the meantime, Please enjoy both lifts." after the speech, the residents applauded for Bugs.

Bugs gave the following speech. 

"Who doesn't love a good mystery? But sometimes, behind the mystery is a real problem that needs to be solved. A problem that affects real lives and real people. So, next time you're faced with a mystery, instead of just spreading it, maybe we just need to be "Busybodies." 

The last footage shown was a boy sneezing inside the lift, Instead of panicking like what Elmer would normally do, he instead ignored the footage and he smiled and went home in pride.

The End. 

Looney Tunes: The Haunted LiftWhere stories live. Discover now