Bugs and Officer Oscar

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The next morning, Bugs went to the police station after last night's fiasco to see if the police had seen Aisha. 

"Are you certain this girl in the CCTV footage is your daughter, Aisha?" Officer Oscar asked. 

"Yes. I don't see why you have to drag me here just to tell you that." Sandra complained. "Isn't it enough to ask him? He lost her after all," she added. 

Bugs was sitting at the corner when he heard the two arguing. "Lost her?! What are you trying to say?" Koichi argued. 

"Why can't you look after her properly? What kind of father are you?" Sandra fought back. 

"The court gave him custody, and see what happened?" She added. 

"You better pray that nothing happens to her!" Sandra warned Koichi.

 Koichi ignored Sandra and he ran off in anger. 

"Go ahead, Run away! No wonder she did the same thing!" Sandra said and she too ran after Koichi.

"Mr. Bugs, this way please." Officer Oscar called Bugs and he went to the interrogation room. 

"We need you to verify if this is the girl you spoke to that night. Bug agreed and the two of them watched the footage. 

The footage shown was Aisha playing the elevator game, after that, the screen went black. 

"What happened?" Bugs asked. "The hard disk ran out of space at 10:15 pm. By the time the system switched over, the girl was gone." Oscar explained.

"But we need to find out what happened on the fifth (5th) floor!" Bugs exclaimed. 

"Sure... Go back to the same lift, go to the other dimension and ask her yourself. Wanna go and do that?" Officer Oscar remarked sarcastically. 

Bugs being full of determination, went back to the House of Barnaby to explain to the group about that night's plan. 

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