The Lift Game

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At night, the four of them went back to Block #666 to play the elevator game. 

"So who's going first?" Bugs asked his mates. Everyone except Bugs bit their lips out of nervousness. 

Bugs took out his set of playing cards. 

"Cards with black spades, will play the game." he instructed as he passed out the cards to the group.

When the group chose their cards, they showed it to each other. Lola laughed with joy as she had a Queen of Hearts card, Bugs had a Diamond card. Elmer had a Black spade card and Petunia had a clubs card. 

"Fine! Petunia here we'll show us that we have a brave heart and a strong spirit." Elmer said agreeing to Bugs' rule. "And a Black club" Petunia added. 

 Petunia and Elmer began playing the game, they went inside the lift. "Alright, we shall follow the rules and find Aisha." Petunia said with enthusiasm. 

"Bugs, If I end up in the other dimension,  just tell my wife not to look for me." Elmer instructed Bugs before the lift door closed. 

"Petunia, What's the number sequence?" he asked her. " 4th, 2nd, 6th, 2nd, 10th, and 5th." Petunia said and they bravely followed the rules.

 "I can't believe I'm doing this." Lola groaned. "Ya. I can't believe you can't believe you're doing this. Because I'm the one doing this!" Elmer exclaimed. 

"Okay guys, just a few more steps. Bugs calmed the two from Lola's phone. Elmer hid behind Petunia. 

"Elmer, come on. Elmer, It's the last one." Bugs cheered for him. "If you follow all the rules, a strange woman will walk in." Lola told Elmer. 

"Now you tell me?!" Elmer exclaimed as they reached the 10th floor. Petunia and Elmer averted their gaze. 

"Don't look into her face!" Elmer screamed. Elmer wore shades while Petunia wore a blindfold around her eyes.

"Who asked you to look? So rude!" the woman scolded the two. It was Emma Webster aka Granny. She was wearing A face mask. 

The two of them continued the game, when they reached the 10th floor they got out of the lift. 

"We made it to the top floor." Elmer told Bugs and Lola.

Bugs and Lola took the same lift as Elmer and Petunia took prior and made it to the top floor. "Elmer where are you?" Lola questioned.  "Top floor." Elmer answered. "We're already here." Bugs told him. "Where exactly?" Elmer asked. "Top floor." Lola answered. "We don't see you anywhere." Elmer added. "In front of the lift!" Bugs exclaimed. "We're also in front of the lift." Petunia added and she showed them the evidence on her phone.

The two rabbits looked at the lift. "I don't like this, What's going on?"Bugs said feeling slightly anxious. "I know! We looked at the spooky woman and now we're in the other dimension." Elmer said explaining his encounter. 

"Elmer, That's nonsense. Come on." Bugs said encouraging Elmer. "We broke the rules!" Elmer exclaimed. 

"Come on guys! This game isn't real!" Bugs exclaimed trying to cheer Petunia and Elmer. "No please Bugs, Call my wife!" Elmer said panicked. 

"That's enough guys, I'll take the stairs down. We'll meet you downstairs." Bugs said feeling exhausted.

"Taking the stairs again? No Bugs, We're already doomed. We might as well take the lift. What else could go wrong?" Elmer said explaining the situation. 

"Fine, Whatever." Bugs said and he took the stairs with Lola behind him.

When they reached the 10th floor, they spotted Elmer and Petunia attempting to get the lift. 

"Top Floor, Top Floor, Top Floor your head!" Lola scolded Elmer and Petunia. "She's the one who pressed the buttons." Elmer said as he pointed his finger at Petunia.

"Thank God we're back! I thought we were stuck in the other dimension forever! Petunia exclaimed in relief as she proceeded to hug Lola. "

Bugs. It's been an emotional night." Elmer added. "Let's go home." Bugs said agreeing to Elmer's statement. Bugs proceeded to take the stairs. 

"Running away Bugs? You're breaking my heart." Elmer said sarcastically. 

"That's it! You're a genius, Elmer!" Bugs exclaimed. "What?!" Lola and Petunia exclaimed in confusion. 

"I always knew there was something wrong with Aisha's mother, but I couldn't pinpoint it. Bugs explained. 

"Guys. I think I know where Aisha is." Bugs said after his given explanation. 

After the events of the night, everyone went home. 

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