Chapter 1

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"Get Out!" He said and pushed her out. She held her baby tightly. "And never come back!" He said and shut the door. Tears streamed down her face. She never thought he would do that. She looked at the ring se wore on her ring finger. She took it off and threw it on the floor.

They carried her bag and her baby and walked. It was raining. She covered, Jaz, her daughter. Making sure she didn't fall sick. She walked and stood under a bud station for shelter. She took out her phone and called her friend. No one picked up. Not one.

At that moment, a car drove by. The car stopped and out came a man in a shirt and shorts. He held an umbrella and stood in front of her. She looked up. Both their faces shocked. "Ranveer?" She whispered. "Deepika," he whispered back in disbelief. He didn't ask further questions and he just helped her carry her bag and guided her to his car.

They sat in and Deepika held Jaz in her arms. She looked at him the whole time he drove. They soon reached an apartment. He opened the door and let her in. "Hello, could you help me buy some girl clothes?" He asked his friend on the phone and cut it.

Ranveer finally looked at Deepika. She was still beautiful as ever. He had missed her. She had gotten married to someone right after their breakup. And now, she had a baby. He stared at the little one in her arms.."May I?" He asked, looking at Jaz.

Deepika looked at him. He looked like a proud father. She nodded and handed her baby to him. "She's beautiful," he said. "Yeah," she replied. "You still stay here huh?" She said, remembering when they used to meet and spend time in his bedroom, on his couch, in the kitchen and where not.

There was a knock on the door. He opened it and Arjun walked in. "Here," he handed Ranveer a few clothes. He was shocked to see Deepika. But he just let it go and left. Ranveer handed her the clothes. "You know where the bathroom and the guest room is," he said, looking in her eyes.

She looked back and nodded. "Um," he understood as she needed to put Jaz to sleep first. "Ill put her to sleep," he said. She nodded and went to shower. Ranveer carried Jaz and placed her on the guest room bed. He slowly lulled her to sleep. Deepika came out of the shower and saw that sight. She held back her tears.

She wanted to break down and thank him. Even after their breakup, he still cared so much. And not only about her, but also about her baby. She walked over to the bed and lied down on it. "Thank you," she said. He smiled. "It was the least I could do," he said. He still knew exactly what to say.

"What happened?" He asked. "Vijay found a new lady. He took away everything I had, all my property and sold it for the money when we were married. Now, I have nothing. He threw both me and my baby out of the house," she said. Tears finally streamed freely down her face.

It pierced his heart till this date to see her cry. He had no right to hug her, but something in him wanted to. But he only said this much. "Don't think about all that now, you have to rest," he whispered as Jaz was already asleep. He shut the curtains and offed the lights.

"Goodnight," he said. "Goodnight," she replied and darkness filled the room when he shut the door...


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