9. Shen Tian

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Xu Mei wasn't enough of a strategist to be able to make people lose control because of anger. She didn't know a lot about people's hearts.

«I think that Zhou Anan will indeed wear this dress better,» she said, bowing her head as she cared.

The women in front of her thought she was yielding and were all laughing like a pack of hyenas.

«It's a pity I will not be wearing it for your wedding,» Xu Mei added with ease.

Zhou Anan kept her breath and bit her own tongue to not say something too much.

Xu Mei knew that the nine-year-long engagement that was not seeming to be evolving into marriage was her weak point. Zhou Anan didn't succeed to convince Xu Ting to marry her officially in all the years they were together.

The woman smiled politely and made the shop assistant wrap the dress up before leaving without further words.

If she had stayed longer solely to make things more difficult for Xu Mei, the latter would have certainly countered. That may have stained the reputation Zhou Anan had in high society: she was an angel from the heavens, gentle and forgiving. Not a rude vixen that liked picking up fights.

With that thought, Zhou Anan marched out of the shop with her friends. She was proud for not having submitted to the provocations of that little bitch that was the sister of her future husband.

Xu Mei waited that they were far from the entrance and then returned to the dress she was examining earlier. It was loose and soft at the touch. It had a bateau neckline, not exposing too much skin. Nevertheless, it was quite short, showing off her long legs and hourglass body.

«You don't need to struggle for things you don't care about,» a man's voice said behind her. «I like your philosophy, but one day you may regret it.»

Xu Mei turned to face the owner of that voice.

The man was in his early thirties, with a healthy complexion and light brown hair. His eyes were golden like those of a tiger. His aura resembled that of a predator relaxing under the shadow of a tree.

Once again, Xu Mei was sure she was supposed to know who that man was. Once again, she didn't have a clue.

«I don't have time for pointless activities like fighting for items in a shop.»

«Sooner or later they will target something you really like. Then, you will not have practised your defence and will not be able to stand for yourself.»

«I won't fight for something as useless as a dress,» Xu Mei repeated, puffing.

«It may be something different from a dress. However, I wouldn't say that clothes are useless. Especially for women.»

He examined her from head to feet. Xu Mei shivered under his gaze, not realising what was wrong with him. She turned her back on him and reached the cashier.

«If that day really comes, I'll figure something out,» she said while the assistant was wrapping the dress for her.

«Miss Xu, do you want us to send the dress to your residence?» the clerk asked while taking the credit card Xu Mei gave her.

«No, thank you. I don't plan to shop further. I'll just take it with me.»

«Thank you for your patronage,» the woman bowed while Xu Mei was picking up the bag and the card.

«It's the first time in my life that I see a woman buying only what she needs,» the man behind her said.

Xu Mei had nearly forgotten about him, but he seemed rather persistent in communicating with her.

«Have you already had lunch?» he asked. «I know a restaurant nearby. It would be my honour to treat you to a meal.»

«I'm sorry, but I am in a hurry,» Xu Mei lied with a candid face.

She knew he probably saw through her act, but she didn't care about his feelings, anyway.

«You cannot postpone your other commitments?»

«Not really.»

«What about another time?» the stranger tried, then.

«I will be in a hurry another time too,» Xu Mei finished trying to leave the shop, but the man stopped her.

«This is my visit card. You can find my number on it. Call me if you change your mind.»

«Sure,» she said and left swiftly.

Once in the subway, Xu Mei took out the card and looked at it for a few seconds. Shen Tian, CEO of Green Light Entertainment.

'Who knows if he's related to that criminal Shen Peng,' the girl asked herself. The entertainment industry looked like an easy way to launder dirty money.

When she returned to her room, she found one of her room-mates resting on the bed while playing with the phone.

«Xu Mei, you're finally back! One of your classmates asked about you yesterday. He said that there will be a test next week and that you should attend.»

«Do you remember which classmate was it?»

«Silver hair and yellow eyes. The cutest one on the whole campus.»

«I'm going back home for the weekend. The results will be announced this evening, and things will be chaotic after that. I'll be back Monday at the latest.»

«You go back again? Do you have to attend celebrations?» the girl asked, peeking in the bag with the dress.

Xu Mei nodded without any word.

«It must be really nice to be related to the Prime Minister,» she sighed while Xu Mei was heading out.

«The best,» the latter answered coldly.

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