chapter 3

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"ah, about exploring the island... it appears a map of this island has been installed onto this e-handbook. if you use this, you should be able to find everyone easily. to be honest, before i arrived at this school, i did some research about everyone on the internet."

you thought back to your first conversation with nagito, and how he asked you your name and talent? was that all just a formality? well, he did seem to know a lot about you when talking to hajime, so you guess it checks out. 

"i haven't learned everything about everyone but... i'm pretty sure i can give you some helpful info."

"...wait, you can research stuff like that on the internet?"

"eh, you don't know? this school is so popular, there are message boards online dedicated to talking about its students."

"then..was i also...?"

"hmm... i don't recall seeing your name there. i probably overlooked it... well, it's not your fault if you can't really remember."

"yeah, it's fine hajime. i didn't know those existed either..." you grimaced slightly.

"ironic considering how many message boards there are dedicated to you."

trying to spare yourself the clownery, "uh, anyways, on to introductions!"

"'re right."

the three of you began walking off the beach and towards the left.

"so hajime," you began conversation, "since we don't know much about you, what's your favorite food?"

"food? why that?"

"i don't know... i figured since we don't know your talent we can at least know this."

"those are not the all..."

"close enough?"

" but, um, i don't know, oranges?"

you walked in silence for a moment, nearing a gigantic building. but at the same time, you tried not to laugh.

"oranges..." your strained voice let out.

"w-why are you laughing?"

"i'm not! ...okay well only a little!"

hajime looked at you laughing and glad he did. your attempt to be discreet with your laughter turned out to be adorable, not that he'd let you know.

with a red face he let out a quiet, "whatever."

you turned to the other boy, "what about you nagito, what's your favorite food?"

"you want to get to know... me?"


"wow, nobody has ever wanted to get to know me... much less an ultimate..."

"who cares about being an ultimate? i just want to get to know nagito komaeda."

"ultimates are very important [y/n]..." the two deadpanned.

"yeah? well, i'm gonna be the ultimate nagito and hajime fan, so!"

nagito laughed and hajime let out a smile.

"so... like i said, favorite food?"

"oh, nobody has ever asked. but if i had to choose... a bagel?"

you went silent again, shaking your head.

"what?" nagito asked in a worried tone.

"your favorite food is a...bagel and hajimes is an... orange. congratulations!" you clasped your hands together, "you guys have created like... half a breakfast..."

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