chapter 7

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once you finished climbing up the stairs, you were met with a restaurant. there were tables, chairs, light tree decor, a gorgeous view outside, then your everyday cameras.

"so... this is a hotel restaurant."

"wow hajime, an astute observation..." you deadpanned. not actually picking on him, just teasing.

nagitos realized the forming banter and went back to the topic before, "it's enormous. we could easily hold a banquet here. it kind of has this tropical, open country feeling."

" even though we're stuck on this island?"

"are we really stuck here...?"

"nagito... i usually side with you but... yes...we're stuck here."

"... even [y/n] agrees, what else could it be..?"

"...oh well... let's finish introducing ourselves first. look there are two people talking over there."

said people were a short boy with a perverted look on his face and an absolutely stunning blonde girl. as you got closer, the more you could hear their conversation.

"that's right... i'm having a hard time because it's full of poison. it really sucks. speaking of which, it'd be great if you could use your mouth to suck it out..."

"poison...i see..."

not liking the blood rushing out of his nose, you intervened, "hey guys! do you have a moment?"


you plastered a smile on your face to hide the scowl, you just knew he'd been plotting something.

the oblivious blonde greeted your group, "hello, it is nice to meet you."

"oh no, the pleasure is all mine. i'm [y/n] [l/n]."

"h-hello... my name is hajime hinate. nice to meet you too."

"why, hello there. you must be a goddess... and you must be the new guy."

"my name is teruteru hanamura. on the streets, i'm known as the ultimate cook... but could you guys call me the ultimate chef instead? it has more of a...big-city flavor to it, ya know?"

as you digested the new information, he turned to you, "but as for you, in the sheets you can call me-"

you clapped your hands together, not wanting to here that, "anyways, i hope we get along well."

"oh, that reminds me, i have not properly introduced myself either. i am terribly sorry to keep you waiting! my name is sonia nevermind. i am a foreign exchange student from a small european kingdom called novoselic. i may cause trouble here and there, but i hope we can get along well."

"s-same here... i hope we get along, too."

you nodded your head eagerly at hajimes statement.

"she's known as the ultimate princess, which means she's actual royalty." nagito did his usual briefing.

"um, this may be rude of me to say, but...truthfully, i feel happy."

"huh? what...are you happy about?"

"in my home country, i.. did not have a single friend my age whose standing in society matched my own. so, to be able to do something like this with everyone is a new experience for me... i shall extol your virtues."

"and i shall acclaim yours!" you followed along with the way she was talking. not in a mocking way, but just in an attempt to converse better.

"oh my, i hope this doesn't appear presumptuous. but i think we will be great friends!" she did a cute pose.

"absolutely!" you posed along with her.

"the friendship of two hot girls..." you heard teruteru, "just imagining them-"

nagito coughed and sent a dirty look at him.

he cleared his throat and began again, "h-hey, you four, am i being left off the menu or something?

"no... that's not it..."

"oh teruteru, it's so like you to check out the restaurant first. as the ultimate chef, do you like it?"

"mmhmhm... i would be lying if i said i wasn't interested. and since i do not want to be a liar, then truthfully... yeah, i like it. though i like the big-city flavor if my hometown, a country atmosphere like this is also splendid."

"hey, are you...?" hajime trailed off.

"refined? cultured? guilty as charged!"

"no, not that... you just don't seem very worried, huh?"

"worried? what's there to worry about? actually, i'm really happy."

"happy? why is that...?"

"if i can get serious real quick...i have a suspicion that miss peko is actually a bit of a freak, if you catch my meaning," he shielded his mouth away from you and whispered, "miss [y/n] too, but don't tell her. what do you think?"

you sweatdropped and became a little irked. how did he think you wouldn't hear him, why would he say that, and why would he say front of you?

but you couldn't beat him up.. not in front of sonia at least. that just felt undignified, she's way too pretty to see something like that.

"...what?" hajime deadpanned.

"they're probably wearing thongs, too. what are your thoughts on that?"

"i'm... right here?"

he looked at you, "now then, shall we discuss this somewhere privately? c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!"

" thanks." hajime said awkwardly, much to your relief.

"well, putting that aside for now... this might also seem unexpected to you, but... i feel like miss sonia over there has a good chance of putting out. you see, everybody knows princesses are groomed to lack common sense, right? for example, i could tell her my 'loins' are full of poison and ask her to suck it out..."

"pardon me, what are you talking about?" sonia questioned?

"we'll discuss this later!"

"...i'd better not see you try that again." nagito said calmly, with disturbed undertones.

you cracked your knuckles, "yeah, i won't hesitate to hurt you. i did mention that i'm the ultimate warrior, right?"

"a dominatrix! i'm into that, too!"

nagito sent him another look, making teruteru awkwardly laugh before continuing, "anyway...when i fantasize about stuff like that, i can't help but look forward to living on this island. when it comes to cooking and love, passion is the most important ingredient. mhmm."

yeah... you don't think he's someone you'd talk to, not if you have a choice.

the three of you found stairs that led outside without going back toward the lobby, needless to say you went down them.

you started conversation while nearing the gates to leave the hotel.

"uh... wow." well, you attempted conversation. but that's all that came out.

"yeah, that's a good way to describe it." hajime sighed.

"what... what just happened?"

"well," nagito laughed, "though he may seem a little odd, teruteru isn't...dangerous."

"i know that, but he gives me the creeps."

hajime nodded, "me too. and i wasn't even the one being objectified..."

the three of you were just blinking, trying to process what just happened. maybe mahiru was right, some of these people are freaks.

your thoughts were cut short by a smell that wasn't too pleasant. when you looked up to see what it was, your eyes were gifted with a farm.

no words left anyones mouth, you simply sighed and walked closer to it. and right when you were in front of it, there was a sign that read 'usami corral.'

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