Chapter18: MorningxThe twisting corridors

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Post script:
This story will be going under some editing,because I have noticed that some of the tenses I sue don't match up.
The story will be in present tense,and the characters will speak in present tense.

Also:If you want,please consider checking out my HxH one- shot " HxH Fall through universe".

I hope that readers will enjoy this new chapter.And thank you for all your support so far.I know I don't update frequently and my story probably isn't the most memorable or interesting HxH fan fic you've ever want to thank the readers that have come back read and voted on every chapter.Cause y'all are angels!

I really need to put more effort in my that is why I'm editing the previous chapters.

Anyway enough with rambling,let us get this show on the road.

All these questions swimming in my head, is making me dizzy.All the pent up guilt in me makes me nauseated...before I knew it,I fall into a deep sleep.

My eyes flutter open. Did I fall asleep on the bed in  my wet clothes?

I rub my eyes.I can feel the damp clothing sticking to my filthy body, like a second layer of skin.

What time is it? I sit up in bed and stretch my arms upwards.

Than I hear knocking coming from behind the door.
I roll out of bed and open the door slightly.

Leon is standing at my door.

"Morning Fray," Leon greets in a cheerful voice.

"What Time is it ?" I ask squinting at Leon.

"It is 8 a.m in the morning," states Leon. "Don't you want breakfast ?"

"Eight?Why so early in the morning.I usually get out of bed by 10 a.m," I groan.

Leon nods his head and walks away.One minute, Leon can be all smiles and the next minute he can be silent as the dead.Ugh!He was Childhood friends with Freya..I don't get it.Does he want to rekindle that flame of friendship or does he want this "oh you are my mater and I'm your servant" bullshit.
He seems so close, but yet so far.It makes my heart ache a bit and I don't know why.

(Post script:My head hurts so much,that I smashed my face into a bouquet of flowers that is in a glass vase.My grandma told me that my hurts cause my eyes need a break.I stayed up til' 12 a.m  reading the Webtoon Sirens Lament).

I try to shake off the unsettling feeling pooling in stomach.I search for some dry clothes,which is conveniently placed on a chair.It is a pair of black tights,blue denim shorts and a crop top with the word Star on it.

I mean,I don't really like Crop tops..but as long as it is clean clothes.

I change into those clothes and walk out of my room. Since, I am now wide awake thanks to a certain someone I might as well eat breakfast. Wait, but where do I go to get breakfast?

|Time Skip~✨

Why couldn't we seat at a smaller table. I mean it is only the two of us.

I cut my egg in half, watching the warm yellow liquid spill out. I rip my bacon piece into half and dip it in the yoke.My uncle, is seating opposite of me pushing his food around the plate.Is he not hungry?

I sigh. If he is my uncle, why don't I remember him.(Post script:Cause of memory loss you Bodoh, you literally mentioned that in the last chapter). Why does everyone remember me, when I don't remember me.Even the helpers along the corridor greet me and smile at me politely.. But I don't  remember any of you! I want to throw my fork at the wall.

The man opposite me suddenly, slams his hands on the table.Making me  jump out of my skin.Geez man.

"Meet me at the Library after you have finished your breakfast," he says sternly, before sweeping out of the room.Leaving his untouched plate of  cold food.

See this is why I don't wake up early. I can't deal with cranky sleep-deprived people in the morning.

I quickly wolf down my breakfast and rush out of the dinning room.Mission:I've gotta find my cranky uncle.

|Meanwhile~[With Gon&the gang minus Killua]
~No ones POV

"Do you think we will be able to rescue Killua?" Gon asks.

He looks out of the window,staring at the bright cloud-filled sky.

"I am sure we will," Kurapika replies as he sits beside Gon.

Kurapika starts to much on some waffle biscuits.

"Why do you think Freya didn't join us?" Gon asks.

"Maybe because she has her own problems to deal with,but I am glad that we met her. I have realised that I shouldn't judge someone on their first appearance, like when I met Leorio for the first time," Kurapika confesses .

"Did someone say my name," leorio jokes as he sits

"Yes leorio," Sighs Kurapika.

"What do you think Freya could be doing now?" Gon asks.

(A/N:Gon and the gangs' trip to the continent Killua lives in takes three days).

|Back At the Mansion with Freya~✨

Ugh!I just want to pull out all my hair.Every hallway looks the same to me.Every suit of amour looks the same. I suppose this is to throw off any skilled thieves that make it beyond the sheild, but this design is giving me a headache.

"Sigh*, this is pointless I'll never be able to find him," I say tiredly,before sitting down, against the wall.

How did I do a 70Km run, yet I am letting a couple of stupid hallways get the better of me.I need to wrap things up with my uncle, before I can get the fuck out of here.After this, I'll go to the Heavens arena and surprise Gon and Killua.

You know what.I'll just take a short nap here.

|Time Skip~✨

I open my eyes and massage my temple.I push the blanket that was place on me and look at the ceiling above me.Which room am I in? Definitely not my room, my ceiling dose not have such a elaborate painting on it.

Someone definitely carried me here.But I wonder who.

I look around.There are many shelves of thick dusty books.Is this the library? I switch on my hyper sensing ability, I can sense someone in my room.

"Who is there I!" I exclaim before picking a metal rod beside the sofa I'm lying on.

"Welcome back Freya. I have always been here waiting for your return.Now we can live here happily," said the stranger, but definitely a male.

This paragraph sent chills up my spine.Has the genre been switched to Horror?

|End Of Chapter 18~❤️

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