Meeting the "Rat God"

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Izuku's P.O.V.

Now, I didn't believe in many deities but I swear to the Deity Council that Nezu was a god in mortal skin! Seriously, he's great! (By my standards anyway. Many others would say otherwise and they're utter blasphemy. Utter blasphemy I tell you.)

"Hello there child." Nezu greeted me with a cheerful smile on his furry face, standing atop his desk. I skipped over to the couch with a bit more bounce in my step than I usually would- not that Eraserhead nor Nezu knew that since I never once was seen skipping during my patrol.

"Hey!" I gently picked him up, my internal readings telling me that he was surprised by how gentle I held him. "Since I knew that I'd meet you soon, I made a little something for you in goodwill. I do hope you don't cause too much trouble while using it but feel free to terrorize a student or several every now and then." A mischievous light burned brightly in my eyes. A feral grin slowly appeared on both of our faces, Nezu's usually hidden sharp teeth were revealed.

"Oh why thank you!" I heard an unholy tone of glee in his voice as I set him down on the coffee table. "May I ask what it would be?" I smirked and pulled out the Arc reactor that I'd brought along with me. Nezu gasped and I could see that he was just absolutely, positively twitching to examine it to assure himself that it was indeed the real thing. "Is this truly what I think it is?" He stared at the reactor that I was presenting towards him.

"Of course. This," I set the glowing device down in front of him, tapping it twice. The reactor reacted to the sudden bursts of light pressure by glowing slightly brighter at every tap. "It's a very real, fully functioning arc reactor. To indulge you into a little secret, I'll let loose of my tongue for a small secret." Nezu leaned in curiously. "Assuming you've heard of the warehouse housing my app's processing unit and it's defense system from Eraserhead who heard it from Kacchan, I'll assume that you've calculated that something of the size of my large unit would bring attention to itself through the high use of electricity correct?" The animal with advanced intelligence nodded, inching closer towards me, having touched the arc reactor himself. "Instead of reconnecting it's electric system back into the electrical grid, I cut it off entirely and attached it to one of those arc reactors together with the electric system of my home. I have also had snuck into the closest places that provides energy and electricity to the city, putting in a self managing arc reactors into their energy systems as well."


"Thank you!" I beamed. "Anyway, what did you want to talk to me about? I'm curious to hear what your questions for me are and I doubt we'll be able to stop talking for three weeks about it."

"Well for starters, I'd like to know where you've been living. I'd also absolutely love to know why you look so familiar. Have I met you before?"

"Oh dear Nezu, indeed you have. Not formally of course but we have crossed paths before. I can also tell you to look at 'ancient' papers to see my face. Gotham had been a nightmare growing up. Eraserhead will also most likely contact me for another few bottles of my specialized coffee blend that my adoptive brother calls the 'Bat Blend'." I grinned mirthfully at the expression on Nezu's face. While it wasn't quite as expressive as a human face, it still did have quite an array of expressions. "I'll also have you know that I will agree to your offer of letting me attend UA. My only two conditions would be that one of your staff captures me before the end of the year and that my wards are allowed access and may enter UA along with me."

"Fair enough. According to Aizawa-kun, you've been hiding someone from a dangerous individual. UA might be able to give you its protection-"

"Forgive me for interrupting you but I'm sure you've heard of Overhaul. His quirk allows him to control matter and mold it to his will. I doubt UA can do anything major against him and his organization. My younger sister is still traumatized from her experience in his hands and I've managed to heal her mental psyche enough that she can act like a normal girl." Then I brooded in a corner depressingly. "But I might've healed her a little too much that she now functions much like a mature young adult. If you've heard of my app, then you must know that the main admin is not from a company but from a small group of young adults and teenagers."

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