Chapter 3

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Little Things(A Niall Horan Love Story)

Chapter 3

Louis's POV

So Liam decided that we should probably check the house just to make sure that Carrie wasn't there. Upstairs, in her room we found all her school stuff. And her coat. That bastard hadn't even let her take her coat with her. So now, she was out there alone and freezing and probably scared. I felt anger sear through me again, and if it wasn't for all the guys watching me so closely, I probably would have gone back downstairs and beat the living shit out of Mr. Enders.

Zayn had a brilliant idea.

" Guys. We should pack some of her stuff. Like clothes and things. And she probably wants these. " He was referring to the sketchbooks Niall had found in the desk next to her bed. Based on the pictures, she was an amazing artist.

And it was obvious that she liked us. She'd drawn pictures of all of us, and they were amazing! Plus, she had a poster on her closet of us. And apparently, she had both of our albums as well. Harry had found them sitting right next to an old looking stereo.

She also had a really beautiful collection of snowglobes. I knew she would want to keep those. We would have to see if there were any boxes in the attic. There was no way I was going to let those stay in this house, where her father was likely to break them or sell them.

We all agreed that we should pack as much of her stuff as possible. But we also knew that we had to find Carrie as soon as possible.

Liam voiced the thought that we were all thinking. " We're going to have to split up. Two of us should stay here and pack Carrie's things, and the rest of us will go look for her. " We all looked around at eachother, wondering who would volunteer to stay here. I knew I certainly wasn't. I wanted to be the one to find Carrie. I had to be.

Harry raised his hand, and said, " I'll stay here and pack. " He looked uncertain, but also a bit mischevious. I raised my eyebrow at him and was about to say something when Zayn

raised his hand and said that he would be willing to stay as well.

It seemed like Zayn was also thinking along the same lines as I was. He grinned and said, " Don't worry, Lou, I can handle Haz. I'll handle the underwear drawers. " He gave Harry a long look, and I saw childlike dissapointment cross his face. I sighed.

So me, Liam, and Niall would go out and find Carrie.

I just prayed with all my might that she was okay, and that we would find her.

Carrie's POV

It hurt. Everywhere. I felt like I had been run over by a train. Those guys were gone, finally. And I was still alive. But, probably not for long, though. I was going to die and I knew it. No one could live after being stabbed multiple times. I just wanted the pain to end. Even though I knew when it ended, I would be dead.

But, at least that meant I would be seeing my mother soon. I could be with her again. That would be nice, I thought fuzzily, as I felt my blood, warm against my side. I turned my head, and saw that it had stained the snow all around me. No one could lose that much blood and expect to live.

As I thought this, I realized something with a certain clarity. I did not want to die. I was 16, and I had my whole life ahead of me. I couldn't give up now. My mom wouldn't want me to.

So I wouldn't.

First things first. I had to get out of this alleyway. And to do that, I knew I was probably gonna' have to walk. I moved my legs, which sent pain arcing up my right leg. I figured that it was probably broken.

I felt things start to go fuzzy again, but I fought to stay concious. I slowly rose to my feet, biting back the scream that was trying to come out. I managed to stumple forward a few steps, but then collapsed to the ground in agony. But even though every bit of my body was screaming at me to give up, I started crawling towards the street instead. I glanced behind me, and saw to my horror that I had left a wide trail of blood in my wake. And, looking down at myself, I realized that I was covered in blood from my chest all the way down my jeans. I felt nausa creep into my stomach, and fought the urge to barf right then and there.

Instead, I kept crawling. And I finally reached the entrance to the alleyway, sighing gratefully. But, I knew I couldn't go any farther. My energy and my life were spent. Black dots danced across my vision. I fought as hard as I possibly could to stay concious, but it was no use.

I slumped down in the snow, and the darkness took me.

Niall's POV

Liam was driving. Louis wanted to drive, but Liam didn't trust him at the wheel when he was this upset. And believe me, I thought he was about to punch something. I knew he wanted to. I think we all wanted to punch something at this point.

My stomach growled really loudly, and I let out a nervous chuckle. Liam looked at me through the rearview mirror, and said, laughing softly, "Don't worry, Nialler. We'll get you some food," he paused when Louis shot him a glare from the passenger seat. " But, not until we find Carrie, " he added quickly, and I saw Lou relax a fraction as he said this.

I could tell that he was deeply worried about Carrie. We all were. I was afraid that something bad had happened to her. I could just feel it all the way to my core. Carrie was in trouble. I just knew it.

"Can't you drive any faster, Liam?" I asked, impatiently. We were headed towards town, to see if anyone had seen her. Though I doubted it. Nobody was even outside. There weren't even any kids out playing in the snow.

"I don't want to drive too fast, in case we miss her," was Liam's only response.

Suddenly, Louis shouted, "Stop the car, Liam! I see footprints in the snow! Stop the car!" Liam was so startled by Louis's outburst that he jerked the car to a stop, throughing me forward against my seatbelt. I winced, but it didn't hurt that bad.

"Never, EVER do that again Liam! Next time I might barf all over you," I yelped.

"Whatever, mate. " Liam said, following Louis out of the car and into the snow. I sighed, and climbed out of the car, trailing after them. I shivered, and then realized just how cold it was out here. And I had a coat on. Carrie didn't. Oh God. We HAD to find her!

"Guys! I think these are her footprints! They're small, like a girl's!" Louis said exictedly. We were on her trail. Finally.

Liam started walking back towards the car. " Come on guys. It's obvious that she was headed towards town, so we should just drive there and look for her there. It seems like the smartest move at this point. " We all climbed back into the car, and Louis reached over to turn the heat on. Glad to see I wasn't the only one that was cold.

"Guys, we really need to find Carrie fast. It's only going to get colder outside now that the sun's going down," I said, trying to keep the panic out of my voice.

"Way to state the obvious, Nialler!" Louis snapped at me. It didn't bother me that Louis was acting like this. I knew he was just scared for Carrie. We all were.

"Lou, just stay calm,okay? We're all friends here." Liam said, acting like the daddy as usual. But we all loved him for it.

We were silent as we neared the town. It didn't look like anyone was out and about. Not in this weather, anyway. Still no kids out either.

We were almost half way through town when we noticed the dark lump lying next to an alleyway. "Guys? Do you think that's Carrie?" I asked, my panic rising.

Neither of them answered me. Instead, Liam again jerked on the brakes, bringing the car to a sudden halt. We all bolted out of the car and raced to where the lump was. It was obviously a girl.

Louis knelt down next to her and gently rolled her over. And gasped. She was covered in blood. It looked like she had been stabbed. Repeatedly. "Its her, it's Carrie." Louis managed to choke out before breaking down into sobs. Liam put his arm around him as he checked her pulse.

"Lou, she's not breathing. She's dead."

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