~Highschool Party~

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"So this is where the toadie went...?" I question, gazing at the large mansion-like house that was filled with partying teenagers in costumes. The house was dim, lit up by vibrant colorful lights. The music booked against my eardrums, sending vibrations through my chest.

"Yep" Liz sighs," he's right in there, come on let's go".

I nod, following her towards the house.

"No wait!" Kelley yells, clearly anxious about something. She grasps my arm with both hands, stopping me in my tracks.

I turn and face her with a confused expression,
"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"I can't go in there!" She says frantically

"Why not?" Liz asks her impatiently," we don't have much time!"

"That's Jasper Hue's party!" She says, "everyone is here, including my crush , and I am sweaty, smell like a garbage, and am covered in dirt!"

"You'll be fine" I assure her, following her gaze over to a boy who was dressed as prince for his Halloween costume.

I scrunch up my face....

"Him?" I ask her, she nods

"He looks like a tiktok e-boy" I tell her," why in the-"

"Okay look" Liz interjects, clearly done with this whole situation," there is currently a toadie roaming that house, and yea I get it he's eye candy, but that is not what's important right now. What we're doing is important!"

Kelley sighs," you're right, I'm sorry, let's do this".

I pat her on the back, and we make our way inside. Liz was in front with the iPad, looking at the location of the tracker and easing us towards the destination.

"Is he moving!?!" I ask her, hoping she heard me through the loud music.

"No!" She says, " he's hiding in a spot, we need to find him before he moves again!"

The three of us make our way downstairs into the basement. I close the door, letting out a sigh of relief when the music became muffled into a distant sound.

Liz slowly makes her way towards an open air vent." He's in here~" she whispers, quickly placing her iPad in her backpack.

I grab my bag-capture shooter, aiming it towards the air vent as Liz moves out of the way.

Just wait until he comes out...

We all stood still, not moving a single muscle. I felt my heartbeat against my chest, increasing its pace as the adrenaline flooded my entire body.

"Where is it?" Kelley whispers, I turn to face her, quickly putting a finger to my lips to get her to be quiet.

The second I broke my gaze, the toadie bursts out from the vent, latching onto my backpack.

"Morgan!" Liz calls out, searching in her backpack for another gadget. Kelley was freaking out, letting out screams of terror as she noticed black smog coming from under the basement closet.

"It's the shadow monster!" Liz yells

I fought against the creature, trying to pry him off of me. He suddenly let go, swinging into another vent that led outside.

"Morgan get the toadie!" Liz tells me," we got the shadow monster hurry!"

I climb into the vent after it, sliding my way through. Once I was outside, I chased the toadie through the empty streets

"Get back here!" I yell, pushing myself to continue running. I suddenly trip over my feet, my body colliding with the solid concrete. I felt my skin scrape against the curb, my aching joints pulsing with alarm.

I quickly scramble to my feet, looking all over for the toadie. But it was gone, almost as if it vanished.

"Dang it~!" I yell, angry at myself for letting it get away.

I grabbed my book bag, and start making my way back over to the party. Liz and Kelley were outside, waiting for me by Liz's motorcycle.

I walked up to them, dusting myself off.

"Ouch~" Liz hisses,looking at my scrapped up body," man that stings, you good soldier?"

"Yea I'm good" I assure her," I couldn't catch the toadie, I'm sorry".

"No worries" Liz says, holding up a piece of broken glass," we found this on the ground, the toadie left it behind, we're sending it over to Berna so she can evaluate where it came from. That way we can locate all the toadies".

"But what about the tracker?" I ask her

"Took it off" she says

"Ah~" I sigh, "alright, where to next?"

"Uuuuuh..." she draws out," I don't think your gonna like it".

I give her a confused look...

My eyes widen in realization

"Oh no~" I groan," please don't tell me-"

"Yes Morgan" she sighs," we gotta go see Peggy Drood"

"Not the cat lady~" I whine," she's scary, she's like an evil stepmother".

~This is not going to be fun~

~ My Darling Girl~ (The Grand Guignol x OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now