//Chapter 2//

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CLAUDE HESITATED, he hesitated to touch his sleeping son's face, a troubled look plastered on his face.

He's troubled, torn between getting a wet nurse or personally taking care him, he quickly dismissed the former.

He'll take care of him.

He couldn't let his son get in danger, he wouldn't let it happen.

His wife just died, how would he be sure sure that no one will assassinate his son except when he's with him.

And come to think of it...

"I haven't given you a name yet."

He poked the chubby cheeks lightly feeling the softness of it.

He hummed slightly before a small -almost invisible- smile plastered on his face "Athanaris, Athanaris Angelo de Alger Obelia, Crown prince of Obelian Empire"

He named him Athanaris due to his status as the crown prince and Angelo, a name that meant Angel for his pure angelic features.

Satisfied, he got up and went back to work.


FELIX ROBANE, knight of the crimson blood went on his way to the Emperor's room, a stack of paper in hand.

The light of the evening sun seeping through the large glass windows, casting a warm glow.

He arrived at his destination and knocked on the door, not receiving any answer, he opened the door slightly, only to be greeted a warm sight.

The emperor is sitting on his chair, his face still the same as ever but if you look closely, you will see the hint of softness and amusement in his jeweled eyes as he stared at the giggling baby in his arms.

The white haired baby is giggling cutely while holding his father's forefinger, his tiny chubby fingers wrapping around it.

The evening sun's glow entering the large glass window behind them, casting a glow on the pair of father and son, the scene looks like a painting itself.

Felix smiled slightly and closed the door quietly.

He embedded the scene on his mind and continued to walk down the hallways, his boots clacking when making contact on the marble floor, a silly smile plastered on his face.

The report can wait for a later time, for now, he will let the two enjoy their quality time together.


CHOI SUNG-HO OR NOW KNOWN AS ATHANARIS ANGELO DE ALGER OBELIA was at first confused when he woke up and was greeted by the sight of a white ceiling.

And then he remembered, those sad jeweled eyes that first greeted his sight when he first woke up.

He wanted to wash that sadness away, wanted to cheer that person up and make him happy, not to mention, that man is his father now.

And as if on reflex, he looked around the room as wide as his sight can take him due to his heavy head.

And then he found him, his father working on some paperworks on his desk, not far away from him.

He thought of a way to get his attention.

He couldn't move due to his fat limbs.

He can turn his head slightly and he still can't talk.

So the only way is...


He instantly got the attention of the blonde as he looked over and saw the baby looking at him with those big jeweled eyes.

He got up and stood over the crib, looking down at the infant.

"I see that your awake now"

Of course, he couldn't answer that so instead, he slightly raised both of his arms and made a grabbing motion with his tiny hands.

Claude was at first confused Athanaris got tired so he started glaring daggers -pouting cutely- at the said blonde.

Claude was at first stunned by the pout his son gave him but chuckled in amusement before picking Athanaris up in his arms, making his way to his desk and sitting down.

He poked the chubby cheeks of his son, irritating the hell out of the said white head.

He catched the naughty finger that is poking him, glaring -pouting- at his father before giggling.

He saw the small smile on his father's face along with the slight softening of his eyes.

'Ah' he thought 'I love him as a father already.'

He giggled again when Claude poked his sides.

'Don't worry Father, I'll make sure you'll be happy with me here.'

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