Chapter 8

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Keep streaming MOA! Anyway, I have math class today but I'm writing this chapter for you. I just hope that sir won't get mad at me :>

Huening Kai's father noticed me ㅠ__ㅠ thank you sir Huening! <3

Anyway, some of you might be confuse. Yeonjun was created by an unknown writer, the writer stopped writing the story because Yeonjun was acting up all on his own. Magic~~ That writer was still nowhere to be found.

I also changed the cover of the book. Remember that Yeonjun's hair is blue, while Soobin's hair is black.

Enjoy reading Mi Soulme👅




When he got home, Yeonbin immediately cried, "Dad, please forgive me if you were rushed to the detention office in no time. All I know is that only men and women should kiss. I'm sorry, I know you're busy because you have a comeback next month " Yeonbin apologized.

He laughed softly, knelt down to wipe his son's tears. "It's not because you are a man, doesn't mean that you can no longer love other men. And you are more important than the comeback. You are my child, you are our child so you are important." Soobin smiled and pat his son's head.

The child stared at him, "In that case, where is mommy? Why aren't we with her?" Yeonbin asked. Soobin's smile dropped. It hurts.

"J-just go to sleep, son"

"No dad. I have to know!"

"Sleep Yeonbin!--"


"Please sleep. I don't wanna shout on you"

The child sighed, knowing his father, he should not ask, because Soobin will tell him soon if his father is ready.


The newly awakened Yeonbin was immediately worried when he did not see his father.

"Dad? Daddy? Where are you?"

He entered his father's room, shocked to see a secret door, it was open. He did not know what was in that room, but he still entered. He has been living in this house for ten years but only now he finds out that his father has a secret room.

He was just in the middle of entering the room but heard a man crying. Yeonbin could hear how painful that voice was.

"Dad? Where are you?" He asked, but no one answered. He was about to run but then his father's voice filled the hidden room.

"Y-yeonbin? Son, is that you?"

By that time, Yeonbin had run to his father. Only now did he hear him cry like that. Like he was in pain for a long tim and this is the first time he cried it all.

Even though Soobin wiped away his tears, he obviously cried all night because it was red and swollen. "Dad, you're not okay. What happened?" The child asked his father.


"Dad, your 'nothing' means 'everything' to me"

Soobin sighed.

"Do you remember last night when you asked me why we are not with your mommy?" Yeonbin nod.

"Look around..." Soobin said.

Yeonbin did what his father said. He looked around and was surprised to see the pictures, and paintings of a man. He looked like Choi Yeonjun, his classmate.

"W-what does it mean?" He asked.

"I hope you won't get mad at me..." Soobin sighed. "You are adopted, Yeonbin." He admitted.

"I'm not shocked. I know the truth" Yeonbin smiled.

Soobin pointed out the photos of the paintings with Yeonjun and his face, "He was the man I loved ten years ago, and he is still the owner of my heart up until now"

Yeonbin was stunned, it was the reason why his dad didn't get mad at what his classmate did to him. It's because his classmate Choi Yeonjun, resembled his father's lover.

"W-what is his name?"

Instead of answering Yeonbin's question, Soobin handed over the book that Yeonjun had written ten years ago. Soobin stood up, "Read that and you will know who he is in my life. Then read the letter he gave me. There it is, in the pink box" he said and left to practice for their upcoming comeback.


Yeonbin have no class for today, so he sat down and started reading the story entitled, MADE UP.

"The universe can make your wish come true, but unlike genies, it can only afford one wish for you." it is written on the first page. Yeonbin flipped the next page.

He thought it was a book where the story of his father and Yeonjun was written, but it was not. Daniel seems to be narrating through poetry.


I woke up to a strange world,
I am lost for words,
I was confused and tried to observe.
The universe sent me a message, my mission is to give you to love you deserve."


I searched for you for a month,
But sadly, you were nowhere to be found.
I went to Daegu, Nami, Busan and Jeju.
But you were in Seoul, glad I found you."

"It's exciting to read this." Yeonbin said in his mind before reading again.


The universe put me inside the book once again
I failed when I tried to escape from them.
The movement stop, so I thought that I could go out,
But the book won't let me out, so I kicked and shout."


I heard a gasped from the room beside mine,
I entered the room and I saw him standing, making me lose my mind.
' You blue-haired guy! I thought you were a ghost! How dare you scared the hell out of me?!'
I was surprised but then you looked funny"

Yeonbin just shook his head at what he read, "If Yeonjun is here, he will laugh at my dad. Because until now, dad is afraid of ghosts" He chuckled and read again.


You are mad but you kissed me,
You thought I was a ghost and then a zombie.
After that day, I became your baby,
People can't see me but atleast you love me."


Three days with you were very fine.
Sadly, I'm running out of time.
We found each other, October day three.
We lost each other at 5:53"

Yeonbin closed the book temporarily...

"Now I know why Dad's favorite time is 5:53"


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