twenty three

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||CHAPTER 23||

┊A R V I K A┊

Since the new wing wasn't fully operational at the moment, it was never chaotic. The floor allotted to my team was not as noisy as the headquarters back in Delhi and it worked in our favor. Now that I was intent on proving those allegations false, there were going to be a lot of late nights blurring into dawns involved.

"Arvika, the pantry staff's ready," Teerth informed from a corner, cradling a grey telephone between his ear and shoulder, peeking up from his cubicle. "We can do the taste test tomorrow and set the menu options."

Mentally numbering the days down, I raised a thumb in approval as Mia brought in another . "What's this now?"

"This actually came in earlier today," she propped her glasses up her nose. "Brand retailers want to see their stores inside the ship and the marketing team has mailed a list of travel vloggers and celebrities to be invited on the first voyage. They were insisting on a meeting this morning, but I got it rescheduled."

"Great," I sighed. Postponing meetings shouldn't have been in the list of worries, and yet that was just another event I had to tackle. Visiting the BizNest office, though not spontaneous, wasn't on my schedule. "The retailers can go to the shipyard tomorrow and check their spaces. If everything's according to what had been specified, let them ship in their cargo. And you deal with the influencers. I trust your opinion on them. And maybe invite a few stand-up comedians? Add Ravit Kohli to the list."

While scribbling my signature on the sheets inside the folder, commanding voices drifted in from the direction of the elevator. Mr. Richard had his coat hanging from one forearm, a briefcase in the other, smiling jovially at Samyak Deewan who couldn't seem to get enough of him.

"...Friday night, then. Don't worry, nothing will be spicy. My wife's very excited to meet you." A dinner invitation, such a fùçķìng kiss aśš.

Bill's head tipped back in a cheerful laugh. "Don't trouble yourself with that. I think now I'm pretty accustomed to Indian cuisine. In fact, I seem to have developed a taste for it! Can't go an evening without those vadapavs."

Before stepping into the awaiting lift, Bill caught me looking and nodded a goodbye. I waved back, and as soon as the doors closed, it was Samyak's sinister grin I was itching to roll my eyes at.

"Arvika," he strode in our direction, a conniving sneer transparent through his bushy mustache. "Tough day for the whole team, huh."

More telephone rings cut him off and I shrugged in response. "Hard work pays off."

Squaring his shoulders sympathetically, he then turned to my team. "Well, I'd like to appreciate all your hard work this Friday. My lovely wife," he stressed intentionally, "is hosting a small get together, and I promise you it will be the best way to end this hectic week."

A round of approval coursed through the small crowd, pleased by his thoughtfulness. His way of flaunting his charm, his power, his reason. His fùçķìng authority over my team, over me, over the company. When the appreciation got louder, he raised his palm and continued to speak. "Now, it's nothing too fancy, just my family, a few aunts, uncles, door ke rishtedaars—who just happen to also be the members of the Board," he paused for their reaction. 

His humor was his worst trait, but the team laughed nonetheless. "Anyways, see y'all there! "

I handed the folder back to Mia when he turned to me. "You didn't have to extend the invitation. I can look after my team."

Even as I said it, my stomach was in knots. We were working twice as hard now, to not just meet the deadline but also combat the negative publicity we had acquired in the past twenty-four hours. The wicked gleam in his eye reminded me of the conversation I had with my father earlier this morning. "Sure, we're aware. I'm simply extending an olive branch, Arvika. Just helping out my family."

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