Protecting Her Family.

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Josie was in the laundry room folding the sheets and blankets,she was carrying them to the linen closet putting them away then went to the kitchen for a drink. Manuel was in the study doing work,he was drawing up plans for a new project to present on Monday.
    Josie was baking cookies,the twins wanted to help and she let them pour the chocolate chips in stirring. She put the cookies on a baking tray into the oven and told the twins,"Remember what I said about waiting?"
"That all good things are worth waiting for." Enrique and Isabella said.
"Very good." she smiled hugging them.
     When the cookies finished baking, Josie put them to cool,she told the twins that once they cooled they could have some. Julian was back from soccer practice going to shower and got dressed,he went to the kitchen for a soda and relaxed watching TV.

Manuel was going to the kitchen and said,"You baked cookies?" watching Josie put them in the cookie jar. "I know I smelled it."
"You always know the smell of freshly baked cookies." Josie said.
Manuel had one smiling,he enjoyed the gooey chocolate chips hugging Josie not aware that Aliya was watching feeling a tinge of envy.
     In the night,Josie was preparing dinner and Aliya offered to help but Josie told her it was okay.
"Did Maria tell you something about me?"
"No. I just prefer to make dinner alone."
"Well, I'll set the table." Aliya said.
"No." Josie said. "Actually,I would prefer if dinner was just my husband and kids. If you don't mind." Josie said. "We've hardly had any family time since you've been here." she smiled. "You understand,right?"
"Of course." Aliya said. "I can go out, have some fun. You enjoy your dinner." she went to get her coat going out.
    Josie watched her leave and put dinner on the table,she was glad to have dinner with her husband and kids. Aliya was at a local bar drinking and smoking,she was so mad. She knew Maria told her something, she and Rosalinda.
"I'll destroy those bitches!" she said. "I'll get Manuel back." she knocked back her tequila shot. "He's mine!" she was getting drunk.

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