EP 6. Unknown Powers

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Everyone was doing their best, but it wasn't good enough. HYDRA had the higher ground, they didn't. Wanda was smacking agents to the ground when a motorcycle was flung towards a tank that was in front of her. a silver and blue blue passed her and in about five seconds, every HYDRA agent was dead. everyone walked towards the person. she flicked her hair back and sighed. "you didn't see that coming?" everyone recognised that boy accent. Pietro. Clint walked up to her and hugged her. HYDRA sent out three other tanks. "good thing i've trained for this shit.." Pietro muttered. he grabbed Clint's bow and a few arrows and took aim. "and i~.." he sang while shooting explosive arrows, "m~ gonna swing from the chandelier~" he kept singing. he took out his phone and searched up something. he put it on full volume and 'blood in the water' rang through everyone's ears. he sped off into the building. everyone stayed on field, Clint and Wanda went in the Pietro.

"what are we coming here for?" Wanda asked through comms. "to fuck shit up and don't die" Sam replied. "good. i like doing that" Bucky said. Pietro ran back up to the two. "let's move out. this place is rigged to blow. it's empty" he muttered.Wanda nodded and waved her hands, creating a shield and they ran down the hall. "Guys! move out, buildings gonna blow!" Clint said into his ear piece. "no ones responding" he said.

a door appeared in the hall. they turned back to see they where trapped in the hall. Pietro was slowly forming back into a boy. he scream and dropped to the ground, tears streamed down his face. bullet holes appeared in his body. "IT HURTS!!!" he screamed. Clint ran and kneeled in front of him. Clint screamed when a bullet went through his arm. Wanda ran over and she shouted as her hands where put in cuffs by nothing. they all started crying and screaming out of pain. Clint was shot again and again in the leg and he fell over, Pietro screamed bloody murder as more bullet holes appeared in him and Wanda screamed for someone to stop while there was a shock collar on her neck. they all screamed in vain for someone to stop, a puddle of bloody surrounded Wanda and Clint, they looked over to Pietro..who was dead.."PIETRO?!" Clint screamed. Wanda shouted for Clint to help her as she was dragged away by no one. "CLINT!!!!!HELP ME!" Clint cried for someone to stop. he faded into the darkness, greeting his death..

"NO!!!" he screamed as he woke up. he sat up and took in his surroundings,he was in the quinjet with the team. "Clint?.."Tony looked at his friend, worried as hell. "i-i..Pietro..the bullets..he died..Wanda..the air..shock collar..she was taken.." he coughed out. "Clint..you're ok, so are the twins. the building blew up and you three where laying there. someone did something to put a nightmare into your heads, its what Wanda can do. but we know she wouldn't do such a thing" Clint sat up and waited for the twins to wake up. tears fell down the twins faces, they where still in a deep sleep. Clint stepped back when Wanda's magic floated out of her hands. "Tony?.." Courtney waved her hands and the magic stopped flowing. Pietro woke up and looked over at his sister. he lightly tapped her forehead and she woke. Courtney's black magic went away and Wanda gathered her magic back up. Clint stayed with Pietro for a while and Wanda stayed with Natasha.

Clint screamed when a burning sensation appeared in his arms, "ow ow ow ow ow ow ow" he muttered. he looked down at his arms and his blood veins where purple. Cap's shield was immediately covered in purple magic and was thrown across the room, "C-Clint?..are you the one doing this?.." Tony looked at his friend, unsure of the magic. "yeah- OW! i think i am" Wanda came over and careful waved her hands so her magic wrapped around Clint's arms. "when the building blew, it gave out some kind of gas. Clint must have breathed it in and it's now in his blood. he has powers to move things with his hands and mind." when she said that the chocolate bar, that Tony had been eating, covered in purple magic and disappeared. "he also can teleport things" she said, before the chocolate bar appeared in her hand.

"That was my chocolate" Tony whined as Wanda ate it. "yes. very nice chocolate indeed." she grinned, finishing off the bar.

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