EP 8. food

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Courtney was hungry, it was pretty normal after gym class. she sipped her water and leaned on the wall, Adrianna walked over in a tracksuit. "you gonna sign up for cheer or no?" Courtney asked her trans cousin. Adrianna shook her head, "i don't think i would like that much attention with these" she said, motioning to her chest. Courtney nodded and took another drink of water. Wanda appeared in a cheer uniform and pom-poms, "i tried out of cheer and now i'm in it!" she exclaimed in excitement. they other two nodded and sat on a bench. "who wants to go out for food?" Courtney asked. the twins nodded and they went to get their bags. they ran to their classroom and collected their things. the walked out of the classroom and Flash grabbed Adrianna by her arm and pulled her to his chest. "why are you here?." Adrianna seethed. Flash ignored the question and pressed his lips against Adrianna's and wouldn't let go of her. Wanda's eyes glowed red and she raised her hand to Flash and her magic swirled around his legs and she pulled him down. Adrianna sped behind her sister. Flash stumbled back up and looked at the younger twin. "h-how?..." he stuttered. Wanda looked like she was going knock down a building like the Hulk. "stay..away from my FAMILY!!!" she screamed. Flash screamed and ran down the hall.

they walked down the hall to the stairs quickly and silently. Wanda jumped down the middle and landed on her feet at the ground floor. Pietro picked up Courtney and ran down the stairs. they walked out the door and went over to Adrianna's car. they all put their bags in the boot and sat in the car. "where to?" she asked. "MCDONALDS!!" Courtney said. Adrianna nodded and they all belted in. Adrianna drove out of the school and down the road to McDonalds. "McDonalds! McDonalds!" Courtney cheered from the back seat. Wanda shut her mouth by slapping her with magic. they went into the drivethru and Adrianna swapped seats with Wanda. "hi welcome to McDonalds. i'm Trisha, what can i get you?" Wanda ordered and they drove round to the pay window. she payed and they waited down the waiting bay. they started chatting about when Pietro was small and he kept falling down stairs. the woman came over and gave them the food. they ate their food on the way home and started eating faster as they approached the tower, not wanting to dive back and get everyone else McDonalds.

they got into the elevator and Adrianna pulled off the voice changer and shoved it in his bag. "i hate that thing. it's annoying when i'm getting charged for PE" he whined. "oh shut up Pietro!" Wanda said. they stepped out of the elevator to see Clint webbed to the ceiling, "PETER BENJAMIN PARKER STARK!!!!GET ME IFF THIS CEILING ROGHT THIS MINUTE!!!" he screamed. "Babe?! what happened?!?" Pietro yelled up towards Clint. "oh my GOD!! thank Odin's beard you're here! i've been stuck here for 15 minutes.." he groaned. Pietro sped away and came back with a ladder. he climbed up and slit the webs with a pocket knife. Clint fell down off the ceiling, unfortunately for Pietro, he had been hanging onto Clint. they fell down and landed on the sofa. "ow.." Clint muttered.

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