EP 7. Parents day

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Bucky woke up, he was woken up by Courtney opening the curtains and pulling off his covers. all while standing at the door. "I'm assuming you need me for something?" he chuckled, looking at his daughter, who was in her uniform and had her hair up. "it's parents day! Peters bringing Tony, Adrianna and Wanda are bringing Clint and I wanna bring you!" she said. Bucky nodded, "you all have the same class?" Courtney nodded and jumped up and down, "look presentable and hurry up!" she giggled before running back to the kitchen. Bucky put on a shirt, hoodie, jeans and vans and brushed his hair. he walked into the kitchen and reached for a cup. Adrianna walked in, followed by Clint, followed by Wanda and Courtney, followed by Peter, Tony and Steve. "Steve coming as-well?" Bucky asked, sipping his coffee that he just made. "yeah, Tony dragged me into it" Steve complained before eating the toast that had just popped out of the toaster. "Peter? are you walking and we'll come later on?" Tony asked his 'son'. Peter nodded, "I'm going to get Wade and the group then pop by somewhere to get coffee. i need to hurry" Peter said before walking towards the elevator. he ascended down towards to garage, saying bye to his mentor and his friends.

The trio arrived at school and met Peter and the rest. they all chatted until the bell rang, "ill call Tony and tell him to start coming here" Wanda said. they all walked inside to put their stuff away when Flash came up to Peter, "HA! look! its the parentless freak!!" he laughed while pointing at Peter. "can you leave my cousin alone please." Pietro said from somewhere in his locker. Flash rolled his eyes and went over to Pietro to grab his ass, luckily Pietro had good hearing and heard him approaching . he spun around and kicked Flash in the gut, Flash stumbled back in amazement, and pain. Flash walked on down the hall, leaving the other to get their stuff.

they all walked past the parents and children who where spread out across the classroom. they sat down in a row in the back. the teacher, Miss Olivia, clapped her hands and everyone sat down. "today! is parents day, I hope you have all brought a parent with you today!" everyone nodded. she called out the roll and when she was in the middle of it, there was a knock on the door. she went and opened the door and let the people inside. in came Tony, Steve, Bucky and Clint. "OH MY GOD!!ITS TONY STARK AND CAPTAIN AMERICA" someone shouted. "uh. Mr Stark and Mr Rogers? is there something I can help you with?" Miss Olivia asked, kind of confused why there where Avengers in her classroom. "Oh! sorry, we're here for parents day!" Tony explained. Miss Olivia nodded, the all walked to the back and stood behind their children.

"Adrianna?" "here Miss" "Courtney?" "hi Miss" "O-" she stopped and looked at the screen. "Peter? come up here please" she said, motioning for Peter. he went over to her desk and she showed him the screen. peter slammed his hands on the table, "OK. FLASH, THAT ISNT FUNNY!!" ,Flash laughed, "yeah it is. its what you are!" Tony walked up and stared at the screen. "who did that peter?" he asked the boy. peter pointed to Flash and Tony spun around, "I would love to see you and your parent after school.." he seethed. the two sat back down the rest of the roll was called out. everyone started introducing their parents to the class, and they had to admit. everyone's parents had pretty cool jobs.

it came to the groups turn and they all stood up together. Adrianna and Wanda stepped forward, "this is our adoptive father, Clint Barton. he's good at archery-" "GOOD!? I am a PRO Wanda" Clint exaggerated. "right. PRO archer. he's a very good cook and he loves blowing shit up" Adrianna finished off. they all stepped back and let Courtney take her turn. "this is my adoptive father, Bucky Barnes. he likes doing absolutely nothing. he sometimes helps around the house. he likes to go on morning runs. and he also loves blowing shit up" Bucky rolled his eyes and smiled. they stood back and let Peter take his turn. "uh..this is my mentor, Tony Stark..this is Steve Rogers, who just so happen to come with us. Tony likes messing up his car and blowing machines up, Steve likes...drawing?" everyone clapped and they sat down.

The Avengers where about to leave when Tony stopped in his tracks and turned around. "my kid and my nieces. please come with me, you to Flash and his parent." he said, grinning like a Disney villain. they all walked into the empty hall and stood. "now. sir. your boy, has changed my kids name in the system. he was once Peter Parker, now his is Orphan. I would really love it if you...SAY AWAY FROM MY KID AND GET YOURS OUT OF THIS TOWN." Tony seethed. Flash snickered and his father slapped him. "get your stuff, I'm taking you away from this school right this minute.." he said. Flash walked back in and the man apologised to Tony, he didn't know what was happening and Tony forgave him. Tony took the kids home, stopping by McDonalds on the way home

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