Chapter 25

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A/n: Hello everybody. Today is November 3, 2020. IT'S ELECTION DAY. If you are eligible, I beg of to vote. Vote like your life is on the line, because it is. I cannot stress the importance fo this. This is the one social media account that I have that I don't get political on, but this is way too important, people. Please.

"What happened, Jasper?!" 

"I don't know, I just found her like this!"

"Oh, my God, who did this to her?"

"Was she drained?"

"No, just bit."

"How are we going to cover this up?"

"Can't we reverse this?"

"It's too late."

Y/n feels herself being picked up and she cries out in pain. "I'm so sorry, darling," Jasper's voice cries. "I'm sorry."

She groans and loses consciousness again.


A hand reaches down and strokes her hair, pushing it away from her face. "Jasper," she whispers with a hoarse voice.

"Y/n? Y/n, darling? Can you hear me?" He asks.

She reluctantly opens her eyes and is very disoriented with her surroundings. Her eyes dilate and flicker around the room, picking up specks of dust floating through the air. Her ears prick up at the sound of the tub faucet dripping against the copper basin. The smoothness of the sheets prickle the hairs on her arm.

She looks up at Jasper, who seems to be glowing. Y/n smiles and him and hugs him tightly. "Y/n," he groans. "Y/n, you're stronger than me. You're going to kill me."

She laughs and breaks away. Taking a deep breath, her pupils dilate again. "Food." She gets up and starts to speed away, but Jasper launches himself at her, tackling her to the ground.

"No! I'm sorry, Y/n, but you are not killing anyone. Vegan! Vegan!" He yells, wrestling with her.

The scent goes away and she sighs, getting back up to her feet. Walking over to the mirror attached to the dresser, Y/n reluctantly looks herself in the eye. She gasps. Her once e/c eyes have turned a stunning shade of red. With every slight turn, they sparkle like rubies.

"They are quite beautiful," Jasper says from behind her. "But the gold is just as beautiful. Still, you'll have to wear contacts."

"What happened to me?" She asks hesitantly.

Jasper sighs and rubs his jaw. "Aro attacked you. You were walking in the garden and he attacked you."

Memories flicker through Y/n's mind. The moon's beams bounce off the rose petals.

Footsteps running over the worn cobblestone.

Aro's cold hand wrapping around her neck.

The necklace breaking.

His fang's piercing her soft s/c skin and sinking his venom deep in her bloodstream. 

Y/n shudders and begins pacing the room. "I came here to make arrangements so I can turn after I graduate. Apparently, it was just a trap to have Aro turn me." The wheels in her brain turn ferouciously. "'Just staking my claim...'" she mutters.

"What?" Jasper asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. 

"'Just staking my claim'. That's what he said before he bit me," Y/n repeats. She gasps and whips around. "He's going to try to keep me here, as part of his coven."

She begins pacing even harder. "I'm dead! I can't breathe! Breathing excersises don't help anymore BECAUSE I'M DEAD!"

Suddenly, a wave of calm washes over her. She turns around and smiles at Jasper gratefully. "Thank you."

He smiles a little at her. "Of course, darling."

"We need to get everyone in here and then we need to get out of here. Who knows what they will try? They must know about it," Y/n thinks aloud. She groans and flops down beside Jasper. "I was just looking for a relaxing Italian vacation, and instead, I died."

She stands up again and walks to the chest of clothes. "I need to get ready."


"So is this my new vampire aesthetic?" Y/n asks, mulling over her body in the mirror. She glances behind her and watches Jasper's jaw drop.

 She glances behind her and watches Jasper's jaw drop

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"You like it?" She asks smugly.

"So beautiful," he grunts.

"Well, chill out. I've got a vampire to slap," Y/n says, grabbing his hand and marching out of their room where the rest of the Cullens are waiting.

"Damn, Y/n," Bella says, smiling.

"How are you doing?" Carlisle asks.

"I'm okay, thank you for asking. I just can't believe that I'm a vampire. I mean... I died."

Edward places a hand on her shoulder. "We should feed you before you see him."

Y/n nods and follows the Cullen's out of the castle and into the nearby forested hills.

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