Part 2

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This chapters kinda long sorry about that :/

I was woken up by my annoying alarm like any other day. 'Ugh' I thought, it was only 7:00 am. I've never really liked school, the classes are pretty easy and I have all a's but the people kinda suck :/ I only have two friends and some of the girls tease me sometimes but I just brush it off, I have other things to worry about. It was pretty chilly for a May morning. I got up and headed to the bathroom. I did my business and brushed my teeth then went to pick out my outfit.

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This is your outfit ^

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This is your outfit ^

I quickly changed and did my hair.

This is your hair

my hair's naturally wavy so I just brushed it

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my hair's naturally wavy so I just brushed it. And with that I was off. I went downstairs to get a quick bite to eat. I checked the time and it was 7:20 am I had to be out the door and at the bus stop by 7:35 am, so I only had 15 minutes to eat. I chose to eat some cereal. My sister and brother were already eating so I just sat with them. "Good morning guys" I said to them. They just tiredly nodded their heads. My sister was 10 and my brother was 6. My mom came down at about 7:30 am. "Good morning everyone!" She said cheerfully. "Good morning" we all replied. I had to go the bus stop so I grabbed my lunch, said my goodbyes and left.

I walked down the sidewalk and got to the stop sign, now all I had to do was wait. I plugged my earbuds into my phone and listened to music. Once my bus came I got on and sat down next to my friend Ashley, "Hey Andrea!" She's a morning person and I'm not. "Quiet down." I tell her with a slight chuckle. "Not everyone's a morning person you know?" She just rolled her eyes. "Steve Rogers is coming to our school today!!!" She says with excitement, Ashley kinda has a little crush on Captain America. She started to go on and on about him, so I just put my earbuds back in.

Once we got to school we went our separate ways towards our lockers. I put some of my books in and closed it. The bell rang so I headed to first period. I had biology so it wasn't that bad, Mrs. Roberts was a pretty laid back teacher, she didn't give out much work which was good. Once I got there I sat down and got out my notebook and pencil. The rest of the class was a blur and it was now time for my second class of the day, math. I'm like everyone else and don't like math. The teacher is super strict and for what? The class work isn't hard but Mr.Dean gives me a headache, along with everyone else in there. Luckily, today was just a review day because we have a test tomorrow. We were given a few worksheets to do and a study guide with all the formulas and such.

'Finally, lunch!' I thought. School foods gross so I just bring my lunch. I sat down at a table and waited for Ashley and Olivia. When they came Ashley reminded Olivia that captain America was coming to our school. Then Olivia said " I get it, you're in love with him. But you have to admit that you don't have a chance, the dudes like 100 years old." I don't think we've ever laughed so hard. I bet everyone thought we were crazy. We continued eating and talking, and with that lunch was over.

Next class is language arts. I only like it when we're writing not so much when we read. There's something about being able to express yourself on paper that appeals to me. But it was just my luck that we were analyzing texts that day. They give you a passage, you read it then answer some questions, discuss it and move on to the next one. English teachers can be so dramatic sometimes. What we read could mean absolutely nothing and they think it's the Bible or something. Anyway that class was boring, but the next one isn't.

I have social studies with Ashley and Olivia. It's hands down my favorite class and it was after ela, so it lifted my spirit for the rest of the day. Not only were my friends in there but Mrs. Rayne is the best. She's the girls soccer coach and because I did soccer in the previou year of highschool, we knew each other already, so when I found out that I would have her as my teacher this year I was ecstatic.

Sometimes we just have random free time in social studies because we get through the lessons quickly and don't have anything else to do. And today was one of those days. We finished the lesson and work and had about twenty minutes left. So Mrs.Rayne let us chill out. I was doing some of my homework, while Ashley was bugging Olivia about gym. I was glad we had gym together because I wanted to see Ashley's reaction to everything.

The last class before gym is art. Now art is pretty easy. I like it a lot because I really like art and I have it with Olivia. Today we were finishing our landscape paintings. Mine was almost done so I quickly finished and helped Olivia on hers because she was only half way done. We could practically feel Ashley's excitement even though we weren't in the same room. Art went by fast. And it was finally time for gym...

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Authors note:
Sorry for the long chapter :/ I needed to get it all started and school days are long, chapters won't be this long I don't think unless the chapter is very action packed. I'll try to update the story every two - three days. Feel free to leave constructive criticism. And once again go read "one show" by Alexandraemilia126 :P

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