Part 6

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I woke up in a car with a man and a woman. The man had a scruffy black beard and dark hair. And the woman had long black hair and was driving.
"Hey I'm Scott!" The man cheerfully stated.
I was very confused, I had just been in the library then passed out because something bit me, I atleast I think something bit me.
"Why am I here? Who are you guys? Wait! Are you kidnapping me!!!!???" The realization hit me and I immediately tried to exit the situation. I unbuckled my seatbelt and tried opening the door repeatedly.
"Calm down, it's ok. We aren't kidnapping you..." Scott was then interrupted by the woman in the car. "Technically we are but not in a bad way though don't worry." They didn't seem like bad people so I just stayed put. "Why am I here?" I asked. "We've been told not to tell you right away, you just have to wait till we get to where we're going." Scott said. "And where is it we're going?" I asked, still confused. "We're going to see the avengers!" Scott cheered. "Scott shut up! Tony said not to tell her!" The woman scolded him. "Why didn't you tell me!" He replied. I thought it was funny so I laughed. The woman just chuckled. "What's your name?" I asked her. "Hope." She said. "That's a pretty name I smiled. "Thanks" she said "and sorry we're technically kidnapping you, it wasn't much of our choice." "It's fine, this is better than studying math that's for sure." We all laughed.

Time skip

I'm pretty sure I fell asleep while we were in the car because when I woke up and looked out the window I saw the avengers facility. And that's in Manhattan which is an hour away from Brooklyn. I looked in the back seat and Scott was asleep. I chuckled. "We're here!" Hope cheered. "Scott! Wake up!" She yelled. He woke up startled from the yell.

I got out of the car and followed them inside. We took the stairs somewhere else and we walked through a door into what looked like a meeting room. Almost all of the avengers were there! Some I knew because of school and the news but some I didn't. I knew the ones who were the original six avengers, but I didn't know the rest. "Hi Andrea! Sorry for kidnapping you but there was no other way to get you here." Tony said. "There is something called cell phones you know?" I replied sassily. "That's what I suggested but cap here said no, and don't get sassy with me just yet. We have a lot to discuss, so please sit down so we can get started." He replied.

I sat down next to Scott and Hope and Tony started talking. "Ok so as you know Steve,Nat and I were at your school to help with the fitness tests in gym. And we noticed that you were surprisingly strong for your age and thought you could be a part of the team." He said it so calmly it suprised me. Obviously I was taken aback by this, Tony Stark just told me he thought I was worthy of being an avenger. I sat there in shock before Steve spoke up. "Are you ok?" "Yea I'm just... surprised." I say. "And why's that? You did incredible and you seem strong enough for this team." Natasha stated. "So do you want to do this or not?" Tony asked. "How much time do I have to decide?" I asked. Tony looked at his watch, 6:10 pm, "About twenty minutes." He says. "Can I have some time to think alone?" "Yea just go into that room over there." I walked to the room he pointed at and sat down in a chair and put my face in my hands. How am I supposed to join if my life is in Brooklyn? My friends and family. What about school? I'm only 15?! My mind was running all over the place. When I looked up and noticed a brown eyed boy looking at me...
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Authors note:
Hiii :) hope you liked the story, slowly but surely we're getting to the more interesting parts. But yea please vote for the story :)

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