The salution and new problem

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Olympus pov

What do we do know Percy asked Athena and Zeus. Mmmmm Zeus said while grooming his beard what do you thing daughter he said in a grumble I think we should spend the next 24 hours testing Percy new abilities. I mean he is the first of his kind and probably the last he has the power of both god and beats but has the body of an Immortal. Hold up Percy yelled interrupting Athena, What are y'all talking about. I'll explain said Zeus in a happy voice realizing that he can finally talk Well because of a you had something called a chaos gene a  gene not many people have had it. It's a genetic trait but it doesn't always get past down sometimes it dormant sometimes it's not and sometimes it doesn't even get past on there are only 4 people alive with it and only 3 people able to use it powers and who are they asked Percy. Well Hercules, Lycaon the son Pelasgus and the first werewolf, your mother and you. That's why you have red blood but have the power of both god and werewolf Zeus explained with a slick smile on his face. Ok so when are we going to test my abilities but hold on why don't y'all find me as a threat to Olympus or anything of that sort percy asked with a curious but kinda hurt and kinda happy look. To be honest son we did at first we realized that you have sacrificed friends and you've put your life in the like for us so we thought our wouldn't want to hurt this place plus your flaw would probably kill or stop you if you tried. But why don't y'all start and at this zues open up a rift it looked like a electricity in the air it a rust to another dimension it has no time and it appears to be endless and another rift will appear every 8 hours and at this Athena and Percy slept in ( I'm too lazy to tell you what he went through so I'm just gonna skip 16 hours and show the results )

Olympus 3rd pov

16 hours later Athena and Percy stepped through and have appeared to have gotten close so what happened and what's his abilities. Well he is immortal. He has literally the best healing factor I've ever seen or hear of yeah like she actually cut my arm off and it grew back in about 2 minutes unless my arm is close then it just fly to him reattaches in seconds and that goes for any limb including my head Percy interrupted Athena in a good attitude and smile well you seem to be in a good mood said Poseidon. Yeah though time didn't exist there when I appeared the time in basically like dbz one day out there is one year in there. Took me awhile to get it too that I'm not too good at controlling time but Athena has help me with that and she has anyways Athena interrupted loudly staring at Percy with a look of shhh not yet, she looked back to everyone else but He has the best healing I've ever seen or heard of in fact I actually disintegrated all his molecules except one and it took him 12 hours to regenerate his body then I tried all but his soul actually used much like how Poseidon is made of water and Zeus air he is made of time his souls actually stayed in place and used time to make him a new body . Ok so he has a healing factor like no other anything else yeah he has the strength and heighten senses of a werewolf but none of the weaknesses of them. In fact he can actually age things he cuts with his claws. But it only ages if he chooses which is actually when his claws and eyes glow orange (like the pic up top he )He has practically super strength and senses even in human form unlike most werewolf's and  he can fast forward or rewind time and only a few minutes but he can stop items in place for along time and rewind them and fast forward it  into the past and future he has lost the power of fire and water but still has the power to summon food along with the  Symbol of champion of Hestia and son of Poseidon on his wrist. Athena said. So what now said Percy we still have 8 hours Percy asked well I don't suppose you'd     

To be continued

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