Chapter 2: Trespasser

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Saturo's POV
After beating my useless son, I walked back into the living room. When I was about to get the stove ready to make dinner for us, I heard a knock on the front door, so I walked towards the door and opened it. Standing outside the door was Shelby.

"Good evening, mister Tachibanna!" She said.

"Shelby. What do you want?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing much, really. I have a favor to ask of you." She said, smiling at me. I raised a brow.

"Go on."

"Can you get a rose for Yuki for me? A red rose, of course, to show how much I love him." 

"A rose? Why can't you get one yourself?" I asked, narrowing my eyes and sliding my hands in my pockets.

"Um, because there are no roses in this town and I also don't want to get dirty?" Said Shelby with what sounded like a slight tone of sarcasm in her voice.

I sighed. Well, I guess it wasn't a bad idea.

"Well.....alright. I guess it couldn't hurt."

"Yay! Thank you!" Shelby said as she curtsied and then turned around. She skipped away and back into the village.

Before I left to find the rose, I decided to walk back in the house to leave a note for Yuki. Grabbing at a small sheet of paper and a pencil, I wrote down what I had to say for him:

I've left the house for a while to find something for you. While I'm gone, stay put and DO NOT BUY ANY BOOKS.

I don't know when I'll be back, but I don't think I'll be gone for too long.


After writing that, I pinned the letter to the fridge and looked around the house for a lantern. Once I found one, I walked outside and mounted my horse.

After riding off into the woods, my horse and I eventually found ourselves at an intersection. One path looked sunny, but the other looked darker.

Feeling a sense of danger from the dark path, I grinned and directed my horse towards it.

"Come on. Let's see what we'll find on this path." I said. My horse shook his head.

"Want me to kick you again like I did earlier this week for misbehaving, do you?"

With that said, my horse reluctantly began to move its hooves, carrying us down this dark path.

While we were walking down this path, I heard what sounded like growling some ways from behind me.

Turning behind me to see what I saw, I squinted as I raised my lantern to what was behind me. The bright light from my lantern shone on a few yellow eyes that stared at me from the darkness that still enshrouded them. More eyes came closer into view, and then I saw paw prints step into the light, followed by the heads and bodies of gray wolves.

"Wolves. Go, go!" I said as I turned in front of me and whipped the reins on my horse, keeping a firm grip on them.

My horse sped off down the dark path, dirt kicking up behind us with every step. One of the wolves began to nip at the horse's hoof, so I kicked it away with my foot.

"Ha ha! That's a taste of your own medicine!" I said as the wolf rolled away, yelping and falling down the side of the rocky, dirt road path.

More of the wolves ran at us from behind, growling and getting close enough that they could bite either of us at any second.

"I can't take them all on while on this horse! I'll have to wait them out!" I thought as I noticed the road began to get even thinner than it was before.

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