Chapter 17: Heart Pains

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Kira's POV
That night Yuki left, I dreamt that he came back to the castle.

"I made a mistake." Yuki said as he came through the front of the door. I came down the stairs and ran towards him, embracing him instantly as soon as I got towards him.

"So did I, Yuki. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I...I was just frustrated. You were confusing me. I'm...sorry. I know I already said that, but that's all I can say. I don't know what else to say." I said, trying to keep my voice stable, not letting him go.

He started to rub my back and then slid his arms around me.

"It's okay, Kira. I forgive you. I was too hasty with my decision." Yuki said.

"You....forgive me?" I asked, slowly letting him go.

"Of course I do. How can I not?"

"Thanks, Yuki." I couldn't shake off the big smile I now wore on my face.

"No, thank you, Kira."

Waking up, a tear streamed down my left cheek as I then rubbed my eyes and placed my right paw on my head.

"You moron. Get him out of your head. It's over. Things weren't really official, but you pushed him away again like when you first met him. He's never coming back and you know it. Not after what you said to him." I muttered to myself as I took my paw off my head and stared at the ceiling. 

"You were so close....we were so close, but you blew it. You blew everything for Neon, Kori, and Hamilton. You blew their chances at becoming human again. You blew your own chance at becoming human again." I muttered as I rolled over to my side.

"Yuki....why? Why can't I get you out of my head? I don't get it....I guess this is what people call love, but is it really love if I pushed you away? Why did I have to say that? People really do say dumb things when angry or stressed." I thought as I rolled back onto my back.

I tried to close my eyes and get back to sleep, but it was really hard. I couldn't get him out of my head.

But when I finally did, I fell into a restless sleep.
All I could think about when I woke up the next morning was that dream I had about Yuki. Maybe a walk around the castle will help me out. Or punching that one tree.

"Ugh....stop thinking about him, moron." I muttered, staring blankly at the ground as I walked, everything else around just outside my vision. I tried to blink the sleepiness out of my eyes, but it was hopeless. My eyes were still heavy no matter what I did, no matter how much I blinked, no matter how much I rubbed 'em.

Still staring at the ground, brown shoes came into my vision, appearing to walk towards me. It could be any one of my friends. Not looking up, I bumped into the person's shoulder, but I didn't even look to see who this person was. 

"Kira?" Neon's voice stopped me from walking.

I lifted my head up, turned around, and looked at her.

"You miss Yuki, don't you?" She asked.

"I think I do." I said, beginning to turn around until Neon stopped me.

"Kira, it's okay. We're all getting through this." Neon said, beginning to walk towards me, but before she could do or say anything else, I averted my eyes to the floor and turned around.

"Just don't. Don't bother." I said, walking away.
I had finally walked towards the front of the castle and had walked outside. I started walking towards that tree, looking at it, especially that hole. Finally, now pulling a fist back, I threw it forward into the tree, punching above the hole.

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