Chapter 11: Progressing

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Yuki's POV
"Alright, Yuki! Try to move me across the grass!" Kira said.

It was the next day. Kira and I were outside. I placed my hands on Kira's back and tried to push her across the grass, but I couldn't do it. A large piece of metal was laying in front of her.

"Pppffft." Kira picked me up with her paw and lifted me onto her shoulders.

"How can you do that?" I asked.

"I'm not really human anymore so I'm capable of stuff like this." Kira said, putting me down.

"Alright. So what do I do?" I asked, looking at the large chunk of metal at Kira's feet.

"Pick it up."


"Just try to pick that up, Yuki." Kira said.

"Uh....okay." I said, walking in front of the metal piece. I bent down, gripped the sides of it with my hands, and tried to lift it up. While I did manage to pick lift it somewhat, it still touched the ground. In the end, no matter what I did, I couldn't pick it up. I let go of the metal piece, watching as it plopped onto the ground  with a loud CLANG! and I looked at Kira.

She walked towards the piece of metal and picked it up with one paw, making it look so effortless and it didn't appear to strain her at all.

"Someday you'll be able to pick it up with your hands, Yuki. Trust me." Kira said as she put the piece of metal back down.

"We'll see about that."
The next day, Kira strapped two ropes around my shoulders and wrapped them around the same metallic piece from yesterday.

"So what am I doing this time?" I asked.

"Trying to move that metal with your arms." Kira replied.

"Isn't that the same piece of metal I tried moving yesterday?" I asked.

Kira nodded and crossed her arms.

"Just try and move it." She said.

"But won't that hurt?"

"Probably. I don't know. If it hurts, stop."

So, after placing my hands on the rope, I tried walking to see if I could move the piece of metal. A huge strain was placed on my shoulders, but I couldn't do it no matter how many times I tried. Sighing, I lifted the ropes over my head and dropped them to the ground, my shoulders hurting from all the training.

"How are your shoulders? Let's not do anything with that metal piece for a bit." Kira said, patting my shoulders down like she was trying to make the pain go away.

"I'll never be able to get stronger." I said as I sighed.

Suddenly, one of Kira's paws cupped around my chin, and she lifted it so I was now looking into her eyes.

"Hey. Stop saying that, Yuki. I promised to be your mentor throughout all of this training and that's what I'm gonna do." She said.

"Uh....why do you have your paw around my chin?" I asked, my face starting to heat up just a little bit. I couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment, the fact it was unexpected, something else, or all three.

That didn't seem very Dad-like of her if you ask me.

"Huh?" Kira's eyes widened as she looked at her paw. Blinking, she immediately took her paw off my chin and wiped her paw on her pants leg.

"Uh...forget I did that. I guess it was some form of encouragement with a hint of weirdness." She said.

A smile crossed onto my face. I walked over to her and patted her back.

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