Chapter 12: The One?

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Kira's POV
The next day, I was looking down at Yuki from on the balcony, along with Neon who was to my right with Kori to my left. While he was playing in the snow, he noticed me and waved, so I waved back.

"You aren't down there with him today. Why not?" Neon asked.

"I wanna do something special for Yuki."

"Like what?" Kori asked.

"I don't know yet." I said.

I leaned forward, trying to think as I wondered what I could do for Yuki. Then, remembering he liked books, I turned to my friends.

"Hey guys, Yuki likes to read, right?" I asked. Kori nodded.

"I see him read practically all the time. I'd say so." He said.

"I should give him my library." I said as soon as I heard those words from Kori.

"But wouldn't you still want to read books from time to time? What would you do when that happened?" Neon said.

"I guess I'd just ask him if I wanted to read a book. It's originally my library, so I guess we could share it." I said.

"I guess you've got a point." Neon said.

I backed away from the balcony, making my way into the hallway. I was gonna head for the kitchen.

"I'm kinda hungry. You guys?" I said, turning to them again.

"Me too." Said Neon, patting my head. We both looked at Kori.

"Kori?" We asked him in unison.

Kori nodded.

"Yeah, I could eat." He said.

And off we went towards the kitchen to eat.
Afterwards, I found Yuki sitting near the fire in the main room reading a book. When he looked up and noticed me, he smiled and motioned me to sit by him. When I did, soon I found myself reading along with Yuki.

"And then, as Flint walks around the fire castle, she realizes she's happy staying there. Stepping on the king's crown, she starts to assemble the broken crown until it was good as new. The end." Yuki said, and once he stopped talking, I clapped.

He closed his book and got up. Kinda guilty that I didn't read it from the beginning and therefore didn't know what led up to the events that happened in the story when I joined him.

"You're gonna have to read that to me again sometime. I joined in halfway through."

"Gladly. Or, on the other hand, either you can read it to me or we can read it together." Yuki said.

Yuki put his book back in the bookcase and started to walk away from it, but I reached out and held onto his hand, stopping him from going anywhere. He turned around halfway to me, eyes quickly darting from his hand, to my paw, and back to his hand.

"Speaking a' books, I wanna show ya somethin'." I said, standing up.

"What is it?" Yuki asked.

"It's a surprise. Now close your eyes."

Taking my other paw and holding onto his other free hand with it, I continued to gently hold onto Yuki's hands as I started to lead him out of the room.
Yuki's POV
My eyes were still closed along with Kira who was still taking me somewhere.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" I asked.

"Not yet. When was your birthday again?"

"Christmas day."

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