Chapter 14: Preparations

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I was on the ballroom floor and dancing with Kira.

"You look nice, Kira." I said.

"Thanks. So do you." Kira said.

"So I guess our little dance session helped out with this. You're pretty good." I said. Kira smiled.

"I learned from you. That's why I'm good at this." She said in a soft tone.

"I guess I'm your dancing coach." I said in a joking manner.

"Guess so. Hey, have you seen Kori and Neon?" Kira asked as she started looking around the room.

"Pay no attention to where they're at, Kira. It's just me and you right now." I said, which made her turn her head towards mine.

I started to stand up on my tiptoes in order to kiss Kira. As I leaned in for a kiss...

....I woke up.

I was sweating. My face was hot. I gripped my chest as I tried to breathe and looked at Kira's side of the bed, but she wasn't there.

"I'm all warm and fuzzy, but is this from a panic attack or is" I thought as I laid back down in the bed.

Yet it doesn't make sense if it's a panic attack. That dream I had would cause no such thing to happen. It had to be the second thought. Certainly seemed like love to me now.

Yeah, I thought Kira trying to dance was cute and all, but I guess she's cuter than I thought she was.

Later on throughout the day as I was walking through the hall of the castle, I noticed Kira walking around as well, so I decided to start up a conversation with her.

Because why not?

"So what are you gonna wear tonight, Kira?" I asked.

"It's a surprise. Now what about you, Yuki? What will you wear tonight?" Kira asked.

"That's also a surprise." I said, winking at her, which earned a small laugh from Kira.

"Looks like I finally made her laugh. She's kinda cute when she laughs." I thought as I smiled. My face started to heat up, but just by a little bit.

"Oh, your face is starting to get red, Yuki. Are you okay?" Kira asked as she gave me a look of concern.

"Huh? Oh, yeah! Yeah, I'm fine, thanks. You're just cu-I mean I'm excited to see what you'll we-I mean I'm excited for tonight!" I said as my entire face and body heated up and I looked at the ground, trying to ignore the heat in my face.

Man, this is kinda embarrassing.

Suddenly, Kira placed two firm paws on my shoulders, which caused me to look at her.

"Your entire face is red, man. Are you feeling okay?" She asked as she tilted her head.

"Uh....y-yeah." I said, my face getting even redder. Kira took her paws off my shoulders, then moved closer, pulling me into a hug. Of course I hugged back.

"Don't worry. I think I know what you're trying to say." She said, and then released me. The smile on her face was a warm one.

Trying to play it cool, I gave her a suave grin, or so I thought.

"I think I've fallen for you, Kira." I said, but the red in my face didn't go away.

Kira kept smiling and started to walk past me, but as she walked away, she rubbed my head.

"You're not alone, Yuki. Well, see you at dinner and on the dance floor tonight." Kira said as she took her paw off my head and walked away, but once she had walked far away from me, she turned around and waved.

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