The Pumpkin Queen (Jally/ Skelly)

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About a year after The Nightmare Before Christmas. La Murete and Xibalba are from the book of life. (not ocs) This is incredibly fluffy, beware.

Sally rushed around the town, trying to get to the laboratory, once she arrived, she abruptly knocked. "Hello Sally, to what do we owe the pleasure?" Jewel asked, Sally felt bad for Jewel, she was stuck with Finklestein till the bitter end. "Hello, I need to speak to Doctor Finklestein, right away," 

"Come in, you know, you could call him Father," 

After everything that had happened, not just in this past year, made her shudder at the thought, her family was Jack, the Pumpkin King. Jewel gestered for her to go up the ramp, Sally took a big gulp, here goes nothing. 




"What brings you here?" The elder inhabitant of Halloween Town asked, not looking up from his project. "Have you been out of the house lately?"

"No," he bitterly told her as if she should already know, "but Jewel has, and I know all about your engagement,"

"I came to invite you to my wedding, it is next week-"

"How long have you been planning this event," Sally took another gulp, her and Jack were so sure that they got engaged almost immediately after the whole Christmas fiasco, "About nine months," 

"And you just now decided to tell me, a wave of guilt I'm guessing,"

"Jack and I thought you might want to be there, come if you want, if you don't, don't," Sally ran out down the ramp, ran out of the steel building and to her place of comfort, the graveyard. The overgrown, dark purple grass made up a path to Spiral Hill, on that hill Sally spotted the flower she a Jack had planted there. "I guessing it didn't go well," The deep, feared, and loved the voice of the Pumpkin King rang out. Sally shruged, "It didn't go bad, it was okay," She pecked his bony check, "I am excited anyways though," There was a puff of smoke right by the Halloween Town gate, visible from where the couple was standing. "What. was that?"

"That would  be my parents,"


La Muerte and Xibalba arrived in their son's kingdom, taking everything in. "Why is there so many dark colors?" La Muerte asked her husband, who was looking proud.

"He got the gloomy style from me!" 

"Mom, Dad!" Jack exclaimed running over to them, "It just dawned on me, that you guys have never been here," 

Jack gave them a tour of his beloved holiday and town.


Sally walked down to the three litlee nightmare's tree house, "Lock, Shock, Barrel," She called out.

"At," Lock said as he jumped down in front of her.

"Your," Shock continued.

"Service," Barrel ended.

"Terrible, now I need your guys help gathering flowers,"


"Dead flowers?"

"Yay!" They ran to the rotting gardens, Sally watched them and sighed, ever since the Christmas fiasco she watched over them, and grew to have a motherly love for the trio. "Well, well, well, what have we here?" 

Sally rolled her eyes at the voice, "Go away Oggie,"

"If you left Jack for me they'd be your children too,"

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