The Bus Ride

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Mario's POV

Luigi and I got on the bus and sat in the back together. We are the first stop so, the bus was filled with silence. All of the sudden, the bus stopped, causing us to slam into the back of the seat in front of us. 

"Owwwwww," Luigi mumbled as he rubbed his cheek. 

"I feel exactly the same" I said to Luigi. 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of yellow-blond. I didn't dare to look around so, I started a conversation with Luigi. 

"Are you scared about going into sixth grade?' I asked. 

"Not really, I just hope those bullies aren't in this school." He replied. 

"I see. Yeah, I really didn't like them." I said, understanding what Luigi meant. 

Another stop and we bonked heads this time. We also saw a flash of brown and a yellowy-orange color. We knew who it was, but we just kept talking. We then saw Daisy wave to us and we waved back.  There was a few more stops and we avoided hitting each other as much as possible. The bus stopped for the last time and I realized, we have arrived at Mushroom Middle School. 

Peach's POV

I entered the bus and sat pretty close to the back. No one noticed me, great. First mission, accomplished! I thought as I sat down. I sat there, silently, until Daisy came on. 

"Hey, Peach!" Daisy said cheerfully, sitting in the seat behind me. 

"Hi." I said softly. 

"Your nervous, huh?" Daisy asked, noticing that I was speaking softly.

"Yes." I replied, a little louder. 

I noticed Daisy wave to two boys, and they waved back. I bet they are her friends she was talking to me about. I thought. Another stop and I saw a flash of light-blond hair. I ignored it and continued to talk with Daisy. A few more people got on after and then the bus stopped. I noticed a huge school in front of me when I got off.

Daisy's POV

When I got on the bus, I saw the Mario Brothers sitting in the back together, and Peach, my new friend, sitting alone. Also somewhere in the back. I decided to sit behind her so we could talk. 

I'm not going to do the girls' conversation again lol 

I saw the Bros. again and decided to wave. They waved back. I hope we have the same classes. I thought. A stop and I saw a flash of black and red. I ignored it like Peach seemed to do, and kept talking about how she's going to LOVE this school district. Finally after stop after stop, we made it, to Mushroom Middle School. 

Rosalina's POV

I got on the bus and saw only four people: The Bros, Daisy, and this other blond girl. I decided to sit in the front because when I was in Elementary School, Pauline and I would always sit in the front.  One other stop was before Pauline's so I just sat there, waiting. The bus stopped again and I saw Pauline. She sat in the seat with me and we started talking about what we think Middle School will be like. I didn't realize how much time we spent talking. When we had nothing to say about that topic, we arrived at school. 

Bowser's POV

I got on the bus and sat where everyone else was sitting to look cool, the back. So, I  kinda just sat there without a word. Yeah, I'm not very interesting. 

When the bus stopped for the final time I looked out the window, and saw we have arrived at school. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll try to post twice a week, maybe even three times. Byee! :)

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