The First School Day

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Peach's POV

I walked into school, very nervously. Daisy was waiting at the doorway for me. She ran past me off the bus without knowing. 

"Follow me, I wanna introduce you to my friends." Daisy said, pulling me to a set of lockers. "This is Mario," She started. 

"Hi."  The boy smiled and waved. 

"Luigi, Mario's brother," Daisy continued. 

"Hey." He said, also waving. 

"Aaaand, Rosalina." She finished. 

"Hi." The girl in blue waved. 

" I am-" I started, quietly, but the bell cut me off.

"That's the bell, come, we are in the same class." Daisy said, pulling my arm, once again. 

We arrived to class and Daisy gestured to an empty desk next to her. I sat down and the teacher started talking. 

"We have a new student in this class. Peach, come on up." The teacher, named Ms. Parotroopa said as she motioned for me to come up in front of the class. 

I walked up slowly, scared of what others will think of me. 

" m-my name is Peach T-Toadstool." I said, shaking in fear, I don't like talking in front of people. 

Mario's hand shot up.

"Yes Mario?" Ms. Parotroopa called on him. 

"Does this mean she is related to King and Queen Toadstool?" He asked, curiously.  

"Peach, why don't you answer that." The teacher smiled. 

"Y-yes." I answered. 

"That's cool." He said at the same time as Luigi. Most of the people started laughing, including them.

They bell soon rung and many classes past. Ring!! The bell rang and it was time for lunch. Finally. I thought as everyone raced through the halls.  I arrived to the lunch room and Daisy called me over. I walked over and sat down.

"Oh I forgot to introduce you to Toadette." Daisy said when I noticed another girl at the table. 

"Hi." Toadette greeted me, cheerfully.

"H-hi." I said quietly. 

"She's a little shy." I heard Rosalina say to Toadette. 

"Hey, are you Peach?" A voice said from behind me.

"Yeah, why?" The bro's questioned.

"Because I heard she has a crush on you, but I-" she covered her mouth. "But we are only in 6th grade." The voice lied, I could tell. 

"Yeah, right." Daisy said, looking at the girl in red behind me. "And Peach doesn't have a crush, right?"

I nodded. 

"See?" Rosalina said, protecting me. 

"Ugh, fine." The girl walked away. 

Ring!! The bell rung and we finished our classes. 

Everyone was hurrying out of their classes to get home. 

"so, how was your first day of school?" Daisy asked me on the bus ride home. 

"It was good," I said. "How about you guys?"

"it was good." Daisy answered.

"Same." Mario nodded, and Luigi said.

"Yeah," Rosalina said, "aside from Paulane. She can be... how do I put it... she can just over-react sometimes."  

"Well its my stop so, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Byeee!" I said getting up and off the bus. 

"Byeeeeeee!" My new friends said at the same time.

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