The Party Part 1

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Play the music during the party. Also, sorry I haven't been uploading a lot. I've been reading on here more than writing. But I'm coming with something crazy...

Daisy's POV

It was a Saturday morning and I thought," Hmm, maybe one of my friends can come over to hang out! I'll ask my mom."  I ran from the living room to the kitchen. 

"Mom, can  one of my friends come over? Please??" I begged. 

" I was acctuly thinking all of your friends that go to Mushroom Middle School can have a first week of school hangout. You know, like a party." My mother responded.

"No way. Really?" I said, shocked. 

My mother nodded. "So, should I call their parents?" 

"Yes!" I said running up to my room to clean. 

At around 2:30 I finished cleaning up my room, cleaning the  dinning room, setting up the ballroom, (which is where the party will be) changing out of my jammers/pj's, and made food with my mom. Knock knock! I opened the door and saw the brothers. 

"Hi!" They both waved, cheerfully, as always. 

"Hello." I greeted. "Mom! Mario and Luigi are here!" I yelled into the ballroom. 

The door bell rang. "Mario, Luigi, you know where the ballroom is. Go there." I told them as I ran to get the door. It was Rosalina.  

"Hi!" I waved. 

"Hi!" She waved back. 

I took Rosalina's hand and pulled her to the ballroom. She said "Hi" to Mario and Luigi.  Where is Peach?  I thought. Just then the doorbell rang. I raced to the door and opened it. There she was, looking nervous.  As expected. 

"H-hi," Peach said, shyly. 

I nudged her. " C'mon Peach, it's ok. You'll be fine." I assured her. 

"O-ok" She said as I lead her to the ballroom.

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