The worst school day ever

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Mario's POV 

I arrived in class with Luigi, Daisy, and Rosalina and I was still thinking who this girl can be. At 10, she limped into the lunchroom with a cast on her right arm. Was this Pauline's doing? I thought. "Pauline..." Daisy said, sounding angry. "Calm down, Daisy." Luigi protested. "H-hi guys," Peach waved shyly. "Omg, what happened?" Rosalina questioned. "Umm, remember when Pauline beat me up? She did this. Also, Mario are you ok? You've been quieter than normal." Peach pointed out. I felt my cheeks turn 5 shades of red. "I-it's nothing." I reassured her, looking at my barely touched food. "Whatever you say, Mr. I-Bushed-When-Peach-Asked-Me-A-Question." Daisy joked. "DAISY, WHAT THE HECK!" I yelled but only so the table can hear. She, Luigi, and Rosalina just laughed. Ugh. If they are gonna embarrass me, I don't care. The bell rang and I went to my math class with Luigi. Though in the middle of it, I didn't really feel that well so I asked if I could go to the nurse. "Yes, you can." Mr. Dry Bones said. I walked down and when I explained how I was feeling, they said I had the stomach bug. They told me I had to go home. I went back to class and scribbled a note and pasted it to Luigi. 

Luigi,                                                                                                                                    The nurse said I have the stomach bug so I have to go home early. See you at home :) 

Your older bro, Mario   

Luigi's POV                                                                  

So Mario's going home and I have to survive 3 hours by myself in school. Great. I'll try to make the most of it. I'm an introvert so this will not end well.

3 hours later...

I got home and saw no one. I went into my room and did my math homework, then my Spanish homework, and lastly my spelling. I always hated spelling, for some odd reason. I went into Mario's room to drop off his homework and he said, "How am I suppost to do this if I barely know it?" I just looked at his pale face and red-ish nose. "I'll help you." I offered. "Sure." He sat down at his desk and got out his math sheet. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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