Pauline gets in trouble...

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I am soooo sorry for not being active. I was busy with cello lessons, dance, karate, homework ect. I am back now and it will soon be holiday break soo I'll try to update on both YouTube and Wattpad. I hope you enjoy the chapter. 

Luigi's POV  

Daisy's father and mother just entered the room and are looking around in horror. Out of all of us, Peach looks the most beat up. "Who did this?!" Daisy's father asked. Everyone pointed to Pauline but she pointed to Peach. "Pauline, would you care to explain what happened here?" Daisy said in a Toadsworth voice. All I heard was giggles from around the room. Pauline just ran out of the castle faster than I can drive. (I can only drive a golf kart) "Well, what an odd turn of events." I said. "It sure was." Mario agreed. We all looked at Peach, who was being helped up by Daisy and Rosalina. "Your sure your ok?" Rosalina repeated. "Yes I'm sure." Peach did not want her parent or Toadsworth to hear anything about her injuries. 

The next day at school was a big blur. Ugh, it was horrible. Let me tell you from the beginning.       When I walked into school with Mario, we saw around half the grade in one big clump. What is so interesting??  I wondered. The bell rang early today. Daisy and Rosalina joined our side. "Where is Peach?" I asked. "We don't know." Daisy shrugged. "But the bell rang early. I heard that's never a good sign" Rosalina said, thinking. On the PA system the Principal's voice boomed: "Please report to the auditorium."  We all rushed there and were the 5th ones. We sat down a talked. "So what do you think this is for?" I asked. "Well, it could be for anything." Mario acknowledged. "That's true." Daisy said, thinking.  Just then the Principal started speaking into the mic, "Hello boys and girls. This past weekend one of our students got injured. We are not quite sure what happened but she will be coming in at 10. (Lunch for the 6th graders)  Please help her out in anyway possible. You may now be dismissed." Everyone hurried to their classes. "So who do you think it is?" Mario asked on our way to class. "Well, it has to be a girl. He said 'she' many times." Rosalina said. When we arrived in class, we stopped talking. 

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