The Party Problem

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 Last time on Mario Middle School...

The door opened and there stood Pauline.


Peach's POV

We all just stood there, watching Pauline. 

"Why are you here and how did you find out about this party?" Daisy demanded an answer.

Pauline just stood there. But then she jumped on Daisy. I ran and kicked Pauline in the leg, causing her to fall frontwards. That's when Mario jumped on her. Pauline managed to get out and pin him to the ground. Luigi was determend to help his bro so he got a hold of Pauline and Mario rose from the floor. I tried not to get involved because if I did, no one would be able to care for my hurt friends. But that plan failed miserably. Pauline focused all of her attacks on me.  I tried to fight back but it was no use. I was done for. She was slapping me across my face, pinning me to the ground, and more. What had I done wrong? 

Daisy's POV 

I got up and saw Peach getting beaten up by that Pauline. I tried to help her but I was too hurt to do anything spectacular. So I really wasn't much help. If you are wondering where my parents are, they are in the dinning room. Because there was nothing else to do, I grabbed Rosalina, who was helping Peach, and took her with me to the dinning room. 

"Mother, Father!"I yelled from the hallway to the dinning room. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I got to the doorway to the dinning room a few minutes later. 

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" My mother asked, concerned. 

I tried to catch my breath to answer her but I couldn't. I stood there, panting. Rosalina finally spoke up. "Well you highness, a girl in our grade named Pauline snuck into our party somehow and we are all terribly injured." She said. 

My parents gasped in horror. "Well, we must stop her." My father said rushing to the ballroom. 

So that was an interesting chapter. I am wondering if I should discontinue the book. Idk, I'm just wondering if I should. What do you think? Tell me in the comments. Bye for now! 

~ ThatOnePeachFan :) 

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