The Party! Part 2

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Luigi's POV

I can't believe that I'm actually here, at Daisy's castle. With Mario, Rosalina, and I don't know if anyone else is coming. Daisy walks in with Peach next to her, looking very shyly around the ballroom. 

"Alright, now that everyone is here, we can get this party started!" Daisy announced happily.  Just then music that I recognized started playing. It was Daisy Circuit! 

Play the song and I hope you enjoy it!

Everyone started dancing but Peach, who just kept twirling her hair nervously.  She look a little lonley and I once was a shy one like her so, I went to go talk to her. 

"Hi," I started, gently. 

"Hi," She managed to say, quietly. 

"I used to be a nervous wreck but, this summer when I went to camp, Mario helped me become the person I am now. It took Mario a long time to get me out of my shell and have me talk to people." I continued. I felt like I said too much at the same time. 

" I see. I'm just scared of what other would think of me. Like what if they laugh at me or-" Peach got cut off when Daisy put a hand on her shoulder. Stop music unless it stopped already.  

"Peach, like I told you already, don't worry. It doesn't matter what others think of you. As long as your proud of yourself, your ok." She assured.

"Daisy's right." Two voices from behind me said. I turned around and Mario and Rosalina were there. 

"Thanks guys." Peach said, gratefully. "Is it to much to ask if I can hug you guys?" Continue music. 

"Of course not!" We all said pulling her in for a group hug. 

We heard the ballroom door open and there stood Pauline.

Cliffhanger! Dun, dun, DUUUN! Ok, that was weird. Please don't leave. I'll see you next time, Bye!

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