The Pauline Problem (Continued)

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The reason put this video up is 1, I have it stuck in my head and 2, I was listening to it as I was writing. lol I suggest you read part one before you read this part. It is one day away from Thanksgiving Break so I will probably be writing a lot. I hope you enjoy! :)

Mario's POV

We left the gymnasium and there she was, Pauline. Aw man I was ready for free period. I thought.  By the look on everyone else's face's, they are thinking the same thing. 

"Seriously Pauline, we just wanna have free period. Just, go away." Daisy said, one foot stepping frontwards. 

"..." Rosalina was shocked at what her best friend had become.  "Pauline, this is not who you were in 5th grade." 

"Well ever sense that blond came along in you little friend group, you guys have been total losers!"  Pauline pointed at Peach. 

She looked at us. "Am I really that bad?" She asked. 

Daisy was the first to answer. "Of course not, you are kind, sweet, loving, and a great friend."

Luigi was next, "I agree, you are a great addition to the group."

I finally said something, "I agree with both of them." 

Rosalina said nothing. She was probably still confused on why her friend is acting like this. Then again, so is everyone else. 

We decided if Pauline isn't gonna leave us alone, then we fight! Pauline jump at us and we dodged. I kicked her and she pulled Rosalina's hair. 

She started beating up every one of us. Daisy punched her shoulder. Pauline pinched Peach's arm and it started bleeding.

"Pauline, why are you doing this?!" Rosalina questioned. 

Pauline said while fighting Luigi, "I've changed Rosalina, I've changed."

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