Ticking time bomb.

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It was nothing but an ordinary day for the Dark Lord. He had just gotten back from a meeting with Professor Snape. He knew that what was awaiting him in the bedroom was a distraught angry Bellatrix.

"You've been gone what nearly felt like a decade my lord" said Bellatrix.

"Hush now my faithful, I'm here."

"You spend more time obsessed with the boy than you do care about me!!"

" Must I remind you, how angry I get when you raise you're voice at me. I do not like it when you doubt my love for you. I've taken you on as a partner in my life. I've endured ridicule over my love for you, does that mean nothing to you? My own men, cackle at me behind my back. They think I've stepped down my authority, all for you. Love is something God daringly unknown to me. It is emotion so unfelt, I to doubt my own self" Voldemort said in despair.

Bellatrix listened in disbelief. She could not piece together the words coming at her. Did the Dark Lord really love her? Was she a ticking time bomb in his life just waiting to go off at his command? She felt so out of place in this life she always wanted.
Hours passed, and there stood Tom so embarrassingly in the mirror looking at the monster he has become.

"So ugly, so dark.. So powerful" uttered under Toms voice.

Bellatrix entered, wrapped her arms around his bare chest from behind and kissed his bare skin.

"In everyone else's eyes you are a monster. In my eyes you are my monster" Bellatrix muttered through kisses.

"Come. Now. Bed." Tom said in a stern voice, trying to hush the words he was not use to hearing.

The hot morning sun blistering through the windows, shining in on Bella's face. Yawning and stretching followed by a quick glance over at her one true Dark Lord. She saw nothing. What should have laid a sleeping Tom, was nothing but a cold- un slept on pillow. Sadness soon took over her body. Will they ever live a normal life she thought? Whilst he's so busy trying to take power over every wizard known to man kind, two men stood in his way.
Sir Albus Dumbledore, and Harry Potter.

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