First Meeting

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Shivay looked at his watch, it was time she came. As the clock stuck 6PM she entered. He waved his hand to her and she came to him, he stood for her. She was dressed in a simple legging and kurti, nowhere looking like the inheritor of the business her father owned.

She smiled at him and introduced herself

"Anika Sinha" she said and sat down

"Shivay Singh Oberoi" he said

"I know Anika, this is all very sudden, but it can't be helped" Shivay said

Anika thought back to few days prior when her father told her she would be marrying Shivay. It was nothing but a business deal. The merger of their companies would make them the best company ever and their profits would soar higher.

"It's ok Shivay, it's after for our families"

Shivay liked when she said that, for him his family was very important, and he needed a girl who would have strong feelings for family.

"I know this is a business deal Anika, but I will try my best to make this marriage work"

She saw at him then, truly saw, and could say that he was sincere. She had heard Shivay was ruthless in business but seeing him here today, and hearing his words had eased her mind

She smiled "I will try to"

Her smile made Shivay smile too

They parted for the day, after exchanging numbers and decided to go a few dates before their marriage.

It was night, Anika phone beeped.

She smiled it was Shivay messaging her good night. And thus, their journey started. With that single message they started messaging each other and sometimes calling too. One day Anika was in her office, and it had started pouring badly. She was wondering how to go home, as her car was given for repair. Just then there was a knock on her door, and she saw Shivay standing there.

"What are you doing here" she asked

"Not happy to see me, shall I go back"

"No No come in" she got up from her seat and came to him.

"I remembered you didn't get your car today and it was raining so badly, so thought I would drive you home" he said looking at her

She was speechless for a moment, he came all the way just to drive her home, because it was raining. No one had done something like this for her.

"Shall we leave, if your work is done" he asked

"yes, we shall" she said

Once she reached home, she thanked him for the gesture, and he said it was his pleasure.

That night it was still pouring badly, but something had changed in anika, she was thinking of Shivay and Shivay only.

In oberoi mansion, Shivay was thinking about anika, he knew she was touched today. Had no one did anything like that for her that she was so touched...

To be continued..  

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