The real anika

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It was their date a couple of days later, and he was surprised when she chose a simple park for their date. She was so rich he never thought that a simple park would be her date place idea. Yet again he seemed impressed.

They sat on a bench, and she asked him to wait. She bought some candy floss for him. He stared at it.

"That's very unhygienic Anika" he said eying the candy floss

"Its not that much Shivay, it tastes great, just taste a little" she held it to him

But Shivay wasn't ready to eat it, but he saw the hurt in her eyes."Just a little then" he said, and she smiled. He realized he loved seeing her smile.

"I meant to ask you why date in a park Anika"

"To know the real, me. We weren't always rich Shivay. We have gone through the worst of times, and slowly with lots of hard work and luck we grew to that level. We might be rich now, but still I like the simplest things, and that's what makes me happy. We might actually be very much different than each other" she looked at him

He didn't know how to answer that, yes, they were different, but may be that's what he liked about her, her simplicity.

"Can I have some more candy floss" he asked and that answered her question. She smiled and fed him some more.

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