Shivay meets with an accident

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A month already passed mostly in the hospital where her dad was recovering. Shivay never left her side whenever she needed him. The only time he left was when his business needed him. She always thought he was a workaholic, but the last few days showed her a glimpse of what he was. Family came first for him, and she was going to be his family. She had agreed to the marriage, one side there was something she feared, she couldn't place a finger on it, but It was there. The other side she was happy she was getting married to shivay

Today her dad was going to be discharged from the hospital, and wedding preparations were going to start. She was waiting for Shivay but he didn't come. She felt a little disappointed. Should she call him? No is he was free he would have come. May be some business meeting. Along with her parents she reached home and made her dad rest.

It was late in night still Shivay has not even called her. She was feeling anxious. Just then her phone rang, she ran to it, but it was Om on the call.

"Bhabhi, Shivay had a small accident today, but he is fine"

"WHAAAAT" she shouted, not noticing Om had called her Bhabhi

"Relax Bhabhi he is fine, just a few minor bruises. He is sleeping now"

"Ok" she said dejectedly.

"Waise, if you come to Oberoi mansion no one will say anything" Ru spoke taking the phone from Om.

Her face instantly brightened, that she could go see him.

She rushed like crazy to his home.

OmRu greeted her at the door an took her to Shivay room.

Anika came to Shivay and saw the bruise on his hand.

"What happened Om" she asked slowly

Om smiled; he heard the pain her voice carried. She was also in love with Shivay. Just that they both didn't know.

"He was going to office when someone collided with his car and he had a fight with that guy" But no worries everything is sorted now.

"Did he take his medicines and food" she asked again

"Yes mam.. all taken care of" Ru answered

Anika smiled sadly. OmRu slowly left the room

She moved his hair away from his forhead. He looked so peaceful while sleeping, looking at him it hit her that she just ran from home, she didn't even inform her parents. Infact she didn't carry anything expect the car keys.

She came to Om and asked for his mobile to call her moms number an inform her that she was with Shivay

"You ran like crazy to see him Anika, do you still call it like. Ask your heart once" her mom said "Thank God , Shivay is ok, but if he was not would you have been able to live without him" her mom questioned again

"Think about it Anika, you were so hurt just because he did things from you, you wouldn't have got so mad if you didn't love him"

Anika was lost in what her mother was saying. Her head and heart both were rotating at full speed. There was a storm of emotions. She silently cut the call and went to Shivay

Looking at him she thought, did she really love him, is that why she was scared. Scared that he didn't love her, she was so much different than him. He had agreed to marrying her to save her fathers business. Was this all that was going to be between them, a business?

A tear rolled down her eye and fell on Shivay hand, he must have felt the warmth, as he slowly woke up and saw in anika tear-filled eyes.

"Please don't cry Anika, it pains me if you cry" he said slowly

"Don't speak, you need to rest" tears rolled freely now

"Shhhh... he sat up slowly and wiped her tears. I am unhappy that your crying, but also happy that your crying for me"

"Shut up", she said and hit him slightly

"Oucchhhh... "

"Where did it hurt Shivay" she asked and started looking at his hand.

"here he said taking her hand and putting it on his heart"

She looked at him, his eyes conveyed so much but it was difficult to decipher it. Especially when the eyes are blue(wink).

They both were lost in each other, when there was a cough from behind.

Anika blushed and tried to remove her hand from his chest, but he held it firmly there.

"Oh .. bhaiya and bhabhi are already romancing" teased Ru

"Shut up Rudra" he got from Shivay and Om

Om was more concerned about his health.

"We just came to check if you are fine Shivay" Om asked

Shivay just nodded his head "Ok let's leave then, Anika you can stay here tonight" Om teased

She blushed again "Will you guys please leave" scolded Shivay

"yeah now that he has got Bhabhi why would he want us" Ru teased

Shivay threw pillows at them and they left from there

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