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Shivay ran to the room number given to him by the receptionist. The sight that greeted him nearly broke his heart. Anika's mom was hugging her and crying... He could see Anika was barely holding herself

Anika turned an saw Shivay. Her eyes conveyed how thankful she was just to see him there.

"Mr. Sinha is now stable, but be careful, the heart attack was severe, do not say anything that might shock him. You can see him now" the doctor assured them.

Anika, her mom and Shivay went inside to see her dad. Mr.Sinha was still unconscious.

"Anika go home and rest for a while, you can come in later" her mom said

"No mom, I won't leave you alone and go"

"Anika, my family will be arriving soon. Don't worry they will be with your parents" Shivay said

After a while his family came and they all stayed with Anika mom

Anika and Shivay left to her home. The car ride was completely silent. Shivay wanted to ask her so many things, she wanted to tell him so many things, but nothing was spoken.

Once they were in, Anika started cooking to take some food to hospital. Today she wanted to do it herself for her father. She was stirring and stirring looking at a distance. Shivay knew she was far far away. He came near her, and turned her to face him.

"Food needs fire to cook, you haven't even turned on the gas"

She turned to see an indeed it was off.They both laughed lightly.

"Anika... " He said softly

She could no more hold herself an started crying badly. He just held her, and she just cried on his chest. He didn't say anything, just stroked her back. 

He gave her some water and made her to sit on a chair and waited.

"Today morning all of a sudden papa collapsed, it all happened because of me" she started crying again

"Shh shhh... " He held her again "it's not your fault Anika"

" It is Shivay, he wanted me to marry and I was not ready to, it caused him stress. His business was facing loss, And our marriage would have covered it"

" It's ok Anika, you didn't know about it till today"

" I work in the same company, still papa was able to hide it from me, why didn't he tell me Shivay"

"He just didn't want to burden you Anika"

Listening to that she looked at him

"So you knew about it"

He looked uneasy all of a sudden

"Yes I knew"

He looked everywhere but her

"Since when"? She asked silently but he knew she was angry

"Since the start" he said

" Why didn't you tell me Shivay"

"Initially I thought you knew, but then I came to know from your father that he doesn't want yo burden you, so even I did not tell you anything. I am sorry Anika, I should have told you. But it wasn't my place to tell"

"You should have told me Shivay, may be this day wouldn't have come then"

"Anika I.."

"Please leave Shivay.. I want to be alone for sometime an then go yo hospital"

"Anika please listen to me"

" Leave Shivay, please.. we will talk later"


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