Family Visit- Sinha Mansion

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Today Shivay was visiting the Sinha's, dressed in a tuxedo, he was all ready to meet his in-laws. He was a little nervous, as he didn't want the Sinha's to see even one negative thing in him, which might take him away from Anika.

He rang the door bell and waited. The door opened and he stood mesmerized

There was his Anika, dressed in a simple pink churidar, with bangles that were making such beautiful music, and her jhumkas adorned her ear. Her hair were flying slightly with the wind. She made such a beautiful sight.

"Shivay,Shivay" she kept calling.

He came out of his reverie. They both went inside and met her parents. Unlike the Oberois, Sinha family consisted of only Anika and her parents.

They sat together, and Mr. Sinha was questioning Shivay about business. Anika noticed how Shivay's face glowed and his eyes sparkled when he spoke business. Like he was born for it. Mrs Sinha gestured Anika, and she blushed getting caught in the act of staring at Shivay.

"Oh ho, enough of your business talks. So beta how is everyone doing at home" Anika's mother asked.

"they are all good aunty"

"So, should we start looking a date for your marriage? Now that you both are well acquainted" Her parents asked

Suddenly the atmosphere got tense, Shivay and Anika looked at each other.

"We would like to take some more time aunty" Shivay said

"I don't see any reason for you both to delay Shivay, the faster this marriage happens, we will be in that much profit" Mr. Sinha said

"yes uncle I agree, but we need to spend some more time together. After all marriage is for lifetime" Shivay tried to explain.

Anika's mom saw her sad, she knew her daughter had dreams related to marriage, but their life was like that only, marriages were all business.

"Why don't you show Shivay our home Anika" she suggested.

Anika walked Shivay out to the garden

"Did you have to be so blunt" Mrs Sinha asked Mr Sinha

"It's the truth"

"but she is our daughter, and we need to consider her feelings"

"I want this marriage as early as possible" Anika father said and walked away. Only he knew how important this marriage was.

Shivika sat on the swing in the garden, it was so silent and so peaceful.

"Anika, you need to remember what I told you, I want this marriage to work and not just remain a business deal" he said looking at her.

She smiled a sad smile

He didn't like the situation; he didn't want to force her into marrying him. But he liked her and wanted to marry her.

He took her hand in his "I will never force you to do something you don't like"

She looked at him and could see the sincerity there and that touched her heart.

"Now come on, at least show me your happy to have me at home, else I will be sad" he looked away from her faking sadness.

She slowly moved his face to look at her, and smiled "let's go, I want to show you something" and pulled him away

They came and halted near a beautiful lake at back of her home. There was a lake surrounded by lots and lots of roses.

"This is my favourite place; I have spent most of my childhood here with my granny" said Anika with a far away look as if remembering her memories with her granny

"Its beautiful" said Shivay

They sat there for sometimes admiring the beauty of that place.

It was time for Shivay to leave. He took her parents blessings.

"Think about the wedding" her father tells Shivay while blessing him.

Shivay just smiled and nodded, and Anika accompanied him to his car.

"Will you drop me home Anika" he asked mischievously

"Hmm.. then you will have to come back again to drop me"

"I don't mind"

"But I do, its late Shivay.Go.. " she said softly.

He came nearer to her, she stood firm at her place, but her heart was rushing towards him.

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