Chapter 7: Red reaper

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Lu began to walk through the unexpectedly clean, and dark corridor that twisted and turned many times before he reached light, and when he did, it was only from a dim, yellow street lantern.

Stone bricks lined the floor and walls that enclosed a long street with a roof, making it completely untouched by sunlight. Dim yellow lamps dotted the sides of the road, the radius of their lights almost, but not touching each other, leaving small patches of shadows in between them.

On the sides of the brick road were stalls alternating left and right. The booths housed people wearing masks, black cloth, and anything that would cover their faces, though their clothes still resemble those of Elle's residents.

In front of them were items laid out on tables, but no two stalls had the same type of article in store.

"A black market" Lu thought. It seems Esther's gut feel wasn't too off the mark. Lu just might find himself a livelihood in here, though if the opportunity does arise, he would try to get one that will not affect anyone negatively.

He took a mask that was lined with other masks on a table beside the entrance and wore it. He then browsed the items for sale, keeping an eye for anything that might steal his attention. Not that he'd be able to buy it, but window shopping was legal and free even in the black market.

Lu dared only to go a few meters into the tunnel. Even though he has not yet even caught a glimpse of a hiring notice, he wasn't willing to put too much time and effort in such a sketchy place.

He headed back to where he came from but was blocked by two muscular men, the one on his wearing a horse mask and the one on his right wore a bull's.

"What did you buy?" asked the one with the bull mask.

"I... Was looking for an employment" he confessed.

"And. Did. You. Find. One?" the horned man crossed his arms and looked down on him, his every word emphasized.

"Sadly, no" Lu simply said.

"Then you don't want to leave yet, don't you?" the bull replied.

Lu felt a chill creep up his spine. "I'm sorry. I have other things to do--" he attempted to squeeze himself between them and get out of the place immediately.

The bull masked man pulled him back with one arm. "Didn't you hear me? You don't want to leave yet. Don't you?" he repeated, and this time it felt more of the threat than a question, as he intended.

Lu swallowed his saliva as he obediently walks back inside.

Lu whispered to himself. "Of course they want me to buy something first! Entering this place was the first sign of danger! how can I be so stupid!".

Regardless of what it comes off as, it was surely not about the money. Making a trade with a black merchant makes you as guilty as they are, being in possession of an illegal item.

The owner of the district likely required their visitors to buy something once or something of the same value like signing a contract so that their customers would think twice about reporting them to the authorities, as they will all equally go to a life sentence in prison, or worse, a death sentence. These two are probably the owner's lackeys who made sure things go smoothly on his part.

While the bull man was busy with Lu, the horse mask shuffled and pointed to their left.

"The Cybelian!" He shouted, and the two muscular men ran after a figure of a person about Lu's size.

It was a hooded person in the direction they moved to. The cloaked person stepped back slowly then hastened to a sprint to the other way when it saw the men rushing.

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