Day 2

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I woke up after a much-deserved sleep to the smell of pancakes. We always had pancakes the day before hell began. It was almost a bittersweet memory, but who am I to say no to pancakes. I pulled the blanket over my shoulders, my feet touching the cold wooden floor. I pulled them back at the sudden feeling. 

I reached over the end of my bed, practically falling might I add, to grab my bag. I pulled on a pair of black socks, standing up. I sighed and drug myself to the bathroom. I avoided looking in the mirror, I wouldn't have liked what I saw anyway. I turned the shower on cold. I needed something to wake me up to the harsh reality. 

After spending 5 minutes letting my body soak in the bitter cold I began to wash my hair. I used my dad's shampoo, it was the basic dad shampoo. I sighed as I combed through my greasy tangled hair. I let the shampoo sit for a second before washing it out. I repeated the same action with the conditioner and body wash. 

After I was sure I was clean I reached out to grab a towel. I sighed, I forgot to grab one. I stand in the empty shower for a few minutes, shaking my hair to get some access water out. I stepped out onto the small bath rug, avoiding the wooden floor for as long as I could. I peaked my head out the door to see if anyone was upstairs. 

When I was sure no one was going to come upstairs I darted across the hall to the closet. It was an eerie closet at the end of the cabin's hall. It made a creaky sound, almost like one in a horror movie, when I opened it. I reached for a towel quickly wrapping it around my body when something caught my eye. A picture. 

I pulled the small-framed Polaroid out from behind the towels. It was a small baby, a cute one at that. the picture was that old faded brown. I looked up at the top of the picture, 1986. I was born in 1999 so that didn't line up. I decided I'd ask them when I had clothes on, so I carefully shut the cabinet door retreating into the bathroom. 

"No. We will keep him here for his own safety!" I heard my mother shout from downstairs. Quickly I ran into my room and hid the picture in my bag sneaking back to where I could hear. 

"How did that work out last time Toni. Clearly not very well," My dad's voice was low. Scary. 

"Take. A. Walk. Mister," My grandma scolded, her voice was even more dangerous than Dad's. I heard the door slam a moment later. I waited a few seconds as not to seem suspicious before I headed down the steps. 

"Oh, Nick you're awake?! Sit sit," my grandma's tone was soothing. I smiled trying to think of a good excuse about why I was up.

"I took a shower and heard yelling, what happened?"

"Oh, it was nothing. Here eat up!" She handed me a large plate of pancakes, with a side of bacon and eggs. I smiled digging in. 

What did they mean by last time? The last person we lost was my grandfather, but not due to the outbreak... and why would they want me to leave. Did they want me to hide or just travel north? 

why wouldn't they want to go with me? What is it with my safety?

I shrugged the thought away and continued eating. The buttermilk pancakes always tasted better when grandma made them. As do the eggs and bacon. I missed the days when I was little and I could come and hang out in the woods. With a handmade breakfast every morning. 

"They just arrived in Georgia," Dad says as he runs into the house. it was earlier than anticipated... way earlier. too startled to finish my food I got up throwing the rest into the outdoor compost pile. Not to mention I needed air, I felt a need for escape.

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