CHAPTER XXI: Rescue The Idiot

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"Guys I'm not sure about this..."

Wildcat glanced over his shoulder to his friend, a bored yet reassuring look in his eye "Nah this is the safest way to do this!"

It was quite a simple idea, ingenious by Banana Bus Standards (that included safety). Basically tightened the straps on the other teens back, his parachute "Don't worry it's literary the safest thing we've ever done." He said while tapping him on the back reassuringly. Moo looked more than unconvinced "....That's not a tall bar to pass..." Without warning, Basically tightened one of the straps, causing Moo to lurch forward "Well we'll just have to make a new bar won't we?"

Vanoss popped his head up from where was was laying, holding a box of very rusty nails and a rock. He had been laying below the raised end of a long wooden plank. "Yeah, yeah he's right! Nothing can go wrong at all!"

To say that over the years, The Banana Bus Squad's concern for health and safety has been on the decline despite having been raised a few years prior, would be quite the understatement.

This right here was the good old teeter-totter trick. Since it was used for children to play on it should be completely safe....right?

Moo was standing on the grounded end while the pig Faunus stood at the other, his white Panzerschreck looking rocket launcher glowing from the pink accents. "Brock why are being such a beeech about it? Look at it." Wildcat gestured towards the flimsy looking plank of wood balanced on piece of a concrete pillar, looking very unsafe "Completely safe!"

Moo sighed in defeat, feeling Basically back away after finishing the straps on his parachute. "All done, good to go." He gave his leader a thumbs up. Vanoss nodded and moved out of the way of the grand contraption.

The brown haired teen looked warily at the thrown together sight. "I still think it's a little unnecessary..." he muttered and glanced to his leader. Vanoss shook his head while sighing "Well we can't climb it or use the stairs, if there even is any, so we need someone light to get up there." He explained, not exactly assuring his friend of his safety.

Wildcat rolled his eyes and huffed, putting his arm around Moo's shoulder. "Brocky, Brocky, Brocky....all we need you to do is to get high enough so you'll be out of range of the jammer!" Moo shuddered slightly. It wasn't that he didn't like heights, he had been higher than this building before, but more the method of getting him that far up.

"...Then we'll be able to contact Brian, get his choppa to use the radar so we can see underground and find Ruby and David!" Wildcat continued his explanation. The Faunus looked over to the guy in red and white who gave him a thumbs up.

The pig man let his friend go with a small pat on the back and raised his rocket launcher. Wildcat pressed a button on the back of the trigger guard causing the large tube that made up the launcher shift and turn into a thinner one. The guard and aim shield shifted into the head of a sledge like hammer, white with glowing pink accents.

"Wa..wait what!?" Moo stared wide eyed as his friend smiled and raised the large hammer above the raised part of the teeter-totter.

"Operation: Flying Squirrel!"

He slammed the great hammer down, causing the poor man on the other side to get launched into the air at horrific speeds.


Was Moo's final call before racing out of earshot.

The last three members of BBS stood silently, staring up at the tall silhouetted building where they had just sent their friend.

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