[Pt 8 Dragon Verse] Dabi The Walking Cryptid.

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Dabi was a mystery, even to his self-proclaimed friends. Heck, he was a mystery to the entire art faculty. They seriously didn't knew much about him, but one day, and thanks to little white haired boy, they get a peak at more of Dabi's life.


Dabi was a walking mystery, even to his friends. They only knew his real name was Touya because they've heard his teachers calling him that, but he was truly a mystery.

The things they knew about him were limited:

- He was 25.

-He had significant other (whether they were a boyfriend or girlfriend was unknown).

-He was studying photography, much to his father's displeasure.

-As fas as they were aware, he had no friends besides them.

-He had 3 siblings, and absolutely hated his dad's guts. He never spoke of his family life besides that.

-His hobby was setting things on fire.

And that was it. It definitely wasn't much, but Dabi was a very recluded person. He didn't even liked to go out with his self-proclaimed friends.

"Daaaabs, please!" Toga Himiko, one of said self proclaimed friends, whined. She was a freshman, and was currently studying to be a dancer.

"Drop it, Toga" Tenko, the also self proclaimed leader of the group, said. He was the most grumpy aspiring artist ever known to man, although he had a soft spot for his grandmother, who had raised him since he was a kid "He'd rather die before going out with us."

"You're not wrong, but I'm busy."

"You're always busy!" Toga kept on whining while they made their way out of their faculty, where their other friends Jin and Sako waited for them.

Jin was an aspiring actor, same as Sako, although that last one had a weird passion for magic tricks. And Jin had a tendency of getting too much in character. Lately he had been obsessed with playing a mentally unstable man with a split personality and would rarely break character, arguing it was necessary for him to prepare for the role.

Surprisingly enough, Dabi was the most patient with those two, and from time to time, whenever he wouldn't reject a quick coffee run with them, he would even offer to help them with their lines for whatever play they were rehearing now on their classes, and even offer them some pointers on their acting.

Despite the fact that only Jin and Sako were studying the same, they were all related to art in some way, and somehow their little group was born, with Toga making the argument that 'they were all social outcasts, and as such should stay together'.

Toga and Jin already knew each other, and met Sako when Jin started his studies as an aspiring actor. Dabi already knew Tenko, and one day an accident that resulted in spilled coffee (and it was Tenko and Dabi's favorite too, from their friend's Spinner's shop) had them meeting Toga, Twice and Sako. And then their unusual group was formed. They usually hung out in Spinner's shop. He wasn't the owner, but he was the only full-time employee. Spinner had been one of those not so lucky ones that barely managed to finish high school and couldn't afford a college education, so now he worked at the coffee shop near their faculty. Tenko had initially met him trough an online game he was addicted to, and eventually found out Spinner worked at that coffee place.

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