chapter three

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➢ opening ' fruity mfs '

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opening ' fruity mfs '

fruity mfs:

dad hater
bro i gotta wash these
damn dishes AGAIN

gon 🫂
damn sucks to suck

the fruitiest
tell your brothers to do it

washing them cant
be THAT bad

milf lvr
it's fine, after
you've washed the dishes
as much as i have you get
used to it 😞

dad hater
the fruitiest
i woukd but we have these
stupid chore rotations 😒

dad hater
  milf lvr
teach me your ways,
oh wise one /j

gon 🫂
(name), wise?? yeah right /j

milf lvr
dad hater
just play music it makes
the time go by faster idk

the fruitiest
i can agree with that,
i love playing music when i
do stuff around the house

gon 🫂
i do too!!

dad hater
  ➥ milf lvr
i'll try it ig, ttyl everyone

dad hater left the chat room

milf lvr
when are you guys
gonna visit again? i miss
y'all 🙁🙁

the fruitiest
um idk actually, soon
i think

yeah probably in the next
week or so

gon 🫂
omg really?? awesome!!

milf lvr
omg i'm so excited now
i have to plan sm

the fruitiest
no, you don't have to!!

gon 🫂
i'll help you (n/n),
and yes we do kurapika!!

milf lvr
bet, let's get started

gon 🫂
omw rn

four users left the chat room

(name) had an excited smile on their face as they stood in front of the door, "honey, i'm going out do you need anything?" their mother asked while grabbing her purse from beside the door

(name) hummed while tapping their chin, "no, i don't think so mom." they answered with a smile and their mom nodded, "i'll be back soon, dear." she said while kissing their head and walking out the door.

(name) rocked back and forth on their feet until they heard a knock on the door, they quickly opened the door and saw gon there, (name) grinned before hugging the green-haired boy.

"hey gon!" they said while hugging him before pulling back, "hey (name)! let's go brainstorm stuff to do when they're here." gon said and (name) nodded determinedly.

"right! onward to the command room!" (name) said in a overdramatic voice while walking towards their room, gon laughed and followed behind them, "yes, onward!" he said with a smile and (name) laughed.


after a hour passed (name) and gon finally had a game plan, "alright, we made enough plans for weeks!" (name) said in a proud tone while holding their hands on their hips, gon grinned, "they're going to love their stay here!" he said in a happy voice and the (h/c)-haired friend nodded, "well obviously, they have the best hosts ever." they replied while rubbing their nose.

gon chuckled before standing up like them and rubbing his nose too, "you're right, how could i forget?" he asked with another chuckle. (name) laughed before hearing the door open downstairs, "(name) i'm home!" their mother called from downstairs, (name) smiled before grabbing gon's wrist and dragging him downstairs.

"mom, look who came to visit!" they said excitedly, lisa (the mom btw) hummed before looking over to her child, lisa's eyes widened, "gon! you've grown so much haven't you?" she said as she ran over to greet (name)'s friend, "ah, hello mrs (l/n)!" gon said while rubbing the back of his head, lisa laughed, "no need for that, just call me lisa." she said with a smile before ruffling gon's hair, "you two go have fun, i'm good down here." lisa said before turning around.

(name) smiled, "thanks, mom, call me if you need anything." they said and their mom nodded as she walked to the living room, "your mom sure hasn't changed." gon stated as the two walked back upstairs causing (name) to laugh, "isn't that a good thing?" they asked and gon hummed slightly, "hm, i guess so."


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