chapter four

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➢ opening ' fruity mfs '

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opening ' fruity mfs '

fruity mfs:

hey (name) and gon
guess what

gon 🫂
what is it leorio?

milf lvr

the fruitiest
we're coming to whale
island today!! and we
would like to go on a
vacation, so we'll either stay there
or go somewhere else.

gon 🫂
that sounds fun! let me ask
aunt mito real quick

milf lvr
oou that does sound
fun i wanna go

dad hater
i still want those
cookies i was promised

milf lvr
ok ok let me go
ask my mom to make some
for all of us

the fruitiest
great!! we're about
to get on the boat, i'll
see you two soon :)

see you soon guys!

dad hater
see you & the cookies
soon! 😁

five users left the chat room

(name) sighed as they put their phone in their back pocket, "ya know, im starting to think killua only came for the cookies." they grumbled from gon's left side, the green-haired boy laughed, "he just loves sweets i guess, he's always been that way."

(name) hummed, "yeah that's true, let me text my mom real quick." they said while pulling their phone back out and typing a quick message to their mom.

while the (h/c)-haired person was trying to put their phone back in their pocket gon started tapping their arm really quickly, (name) was about to ask what was going on when they noticed a boat on the horizon.

"oh my god, they're almost here!" (name) yelled happily and gon nodded, "yeah, finally!!" he said, just as happy. the two friends held hands jumping up and down from excitement, the other residents were confused from their behavior but mainly ignored it.

the boat finally pulled up to the port and the duo had stopped jumping up and down and started waiting 'patiently' for their friends.

when they found their friend group they ran up and hugged them, (name) hugged killua and gon hugged kurapika. leorio crossed his arms, "waiting for my hug over here." he said in a slightly mad voice.

(name) laughed before going to hug him, "the wait is over, my kind sir!" they said in an overdramatic voice and the group laughed, "it's been so long since i've seen you all! we need to have visits more often." (name) said in a soft voice while looking at everyone.

kurapika nodded, "we'll have to plan out more visits, we already have a hotel room set up so lets meet somewhere in about thirty minutes." he offered and gon and (name) nodded, "meet us at the beachside cafe!" gon said and the others nodded before walking off.


(name) and gon were waiting outside the cafe when they heard footsteps on the gravel, they looked up and saw their friends, smiles grew on their faces as they waved. when their friends walked up (name) and gon looked at each other before nodding, "welcome to the first stop of the.." (name) said after clearing their throat, "gon and.." gon continued, "and (name) vacation plan!" (name) finished and the two did jazz hands.

their friends looked at them then blinked twice before laughing so hard they teared up, (name) blushed in embarrassment and gon tilted his head, "stop laughing at our great introduction! jerks.." (name) yelled but mumbled the last part, gon and (name) went into an emo corner and mumbled to themselves.

"guys, i think they lost it." killua whispered loudly on purpose, "they always did have a few screws loose." leorio whispered back loudly while kurapika sighed. "anyways, back to the whole point!" (name) said once gon and them recovered, "this cafe is our first thing on our list." gon explained and the three visitors nodded.


after everyone ordered the group talked, "guys, i rewatched dog with a blog again." (name) admitted and gon looked at them with shock on his face, "again?!" he said and (name) laughed nervously, "that makes eleven times! how do you stay interested in watching a show that many times?" killua asked with a look of disbelief.

(name) tapped their chin before shrugging, "i don't really know." they answered simply and killua's eyebrow twitched before him and gon made the same disbelief expression. "well at least you enjoy it, i guess." kurapika said with a polite smile to hide his slight judgy tone, leorio shrugged, "you guys are making too big of a deal out of it, everyone has one show they rewatch."

(name) nodded their head three times, "at least one person gets it." they said and the others laughed nervously before receiving their orders. (name) looked at everyone's orders before stopping on killua's chocolate slice of cake.

"hey kil, can i have some of your cake?" (name) asked with puppy dog eyes and killua froze before looking away 'don't fall for it, don't fall for it, don't--' the white-haired boy thought before sighing and blushing slightly, "i guess you can.." he said while getting some of the cake on his fork and holding it up to (name)'s mouth.

(name)'s head tilted slightly, "are you going to feed me?" they teased and killua's blush darkened before shoving the fork into (name)'s mouth. (name)'s eyes widened in surprise before chewing the cake then laughing, "i was just teasing." they said as they returned the fork.

the others were so engulfed in their conversation that they missed the little scene, "oh! i know, we should go to my house and watch movies!" (name) offered with a bright smile, kurapika hummed, "sounds fun, i'm down." he said and leorio nodded, showing he agreed. "movie night and cookies? hell yeah i'm coming." killua said with a smile and gon nodded happily, "me too, me too!!"


damn this book is gonna be short

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