Why the filler arc

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Some may wonder why the filler arc in this book. Well I have three reasons and that is.

1. This is to show the consqunces of my oc Sora's actions when he changed the timeline by saving someone wether it's severe or minor. I won't always explore the changes in filler arcs some will just be mentioned others seen by the characters.

2. We just met the main villain of the book Sora's adoptive uncle mr.sato and right now I'm planning on how I want to get us to point b to point c as we have already went from point a to b. So I'm using this as a way to plan out the next parts of the story and still push out chapters, Not to say filler characters won't be mentioned again as they will and some won't.

3. Some fillers are going to explore characters that get almost no screen time or development/ Time to show who they are and to make them not just a character that is so basic that all you know about them is that they are  mean and have fire powers and that's all nothing else. For example Makeno, Zion, Cynthia, and Zero. Kai + Toga as Well but I've given him and her more than others in the main gang not including kda.

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