Chapter 3

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It's midnight, Bruce Wayne drives over to Navy Pier Docks to comb over the crime scene. Bruce Wayne takes out a large luggage from his car's trunk and opens it, inside is his Batsuit. He puts it on. Batman is now in Evergreen County. Batman radios in Barbara Gordon aka Oracle.

Batman: Oracle, this is Batman. Come in.

Oracle: So you brought your suit to Evergreen County after all.

Batman: I'm at Navy Pier Docks where they found Bryce Walker's body.

Oracle: Did you find anything?

Batman: I'm just getting started. I'm activating Detective Mode so you can follow along.

Oracle: Got it. I see a car parked there, looks like a Range Rover.

Batman approaches the Range Rover begins to scan the license plate.

Batman: Scanning the license plate.

Oracle: It says that the car is registered to Bryce Walker. That's his car.

Batman: I'm scanning all over the car. I'm finding different sets of finger prints.

Oracle: Looking into who those finger prints belong to, it'll take a while.

Batman takes out his Cryptographic sequencer and uses it on Bryce's car.

Batman: I'm shutting down the car's security system.

Batman opens the back trunk door of the Range Rover and begins searching for clues.

Batman: There's a bag full of steroids.

Oracle: How much?

Batman: A lot for 1 person to take.

Oracle: You think he was dealing?

Batman: Maybe

Batman puts the steroids back as he closes door and moves away from the car as he heads towards the dock. Batman searches the ground as he spots foot prints.

Batman: There different set of foot prints on the ground. There are 2 different set of limping foot prints.

Oracle: Limping foot prints?

Batman: 1 Set has a limp on their left leg, while the other has a limp on the right. The 3rd set are smaller than the other 2, female from the looks of it.

Oracle: Defiantly female, the shoe prints are from pair of women's sneakers.

Batman walks further into the dock as he finds blood on the ground.

Batman: There's blood on the ground.

Oracle: So there is foul play.

Batman: Yes, he was murdered. I'm making my way to the bottom, see what else I can find.

As Batman begins to make his way to the bottom of dock, he stops in the parking lot and sees tire tracks.

Batman: Wait.

Oracle: What is it?

Batman: Tire tracks in the parking lot.

Oracle: Begin scanning. It gonna take some time before I can narrow it down.

Batman: Let me know what you find. I'm heading down.

Batman now makes his way down to the shore of Navy Pier. Batman combs over the area and finds nothing.

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